The first monthly meeting of the DATC Executive Committee was held on Thursday, December 14, 2006

Attendees included: Juan-Antonio, Ron Waxman, John Willis, Alex Zamfirescu.

The following items were discussed:

1.Finalize the Executive Committee of DATC, and assign tasks and deadlines if possible, including:
  • Possible successor to Joe Damore for position of Secretary.
  • Events secretary needed for ICCAD/DAC visibility. Candidate in mind to be contacted by Juan-Antonio.
  • Editorial Chair (State of the EDA, newsletter, etc.). Juan-Antonio will ask a possible candidate.
     Juan-Antonio to contact D&T Chief Editor on an article about re-activation of the committee.
  • Calendar Chair. Possible candidate to be confirmed by Juan-Antonio.
  • SIGDA VHDL Chair – is now John Willis, replacing Wolgang Nebel.
  • Far East and European, Kiyoshi Oguri and Massimo Vanzi, respectively. We’re attempting to see if they
     are still active and interested.
  • No need for a separate D&T Roundtable – given Events secretary position.
  • Juan-Antonio will inquire about the status of our colleague Dave Barton.

That concluded proposed changes to the Executive Committee.

2. Discussed web site content. Discussed the News Page. We asked CEDA to point to us. Discussed what
should be added and decided to post minutes of our monthly meetings.

3. The Membership list was discussed and whether it’s accurate, and who should own it and use it.
Currently Juan-Antonio owns the email list.

4. Subcommittees were discussed with the intent to end those that are not active. It was decided to:
  • Leave the ones shown on the current Subcommittee Web Page for the time being.
  • Juan-Antonio will send emails to chairs to confirm activity.
  • Juan-Antonio will send email to the membership to ask for potential participation.

5. An additional Subcommittee Member was suggested and may be asked to be more involved.
More on this in future meetings.

The meeting was ended with the next Teleconference planned for January, 2007.

Best Regards and Happy Holidays!

Juan-Antonio Carballo
