Forum for Advancing Software engineering Education (FASE) Volume 9 Number 12 (119th Issue) - December 15, 1999 894 subscribers Note: If you have problems with the format of this document, try An HTML version of this issue is available at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents This Month's Topic: Top Ten Contributions of the Century Last Month's Topic: Addendum Next Month's Topic: Coping with the Faculty Shortage February 2000 Topic: Top Ten Contributions - The Readers' Picks Call for Guest Editors and Topic Suggestions News Items IEEE Software Issue on Professional Software Engineering CACM Contains Viewpoints on Software Engineering as a Profession Working Group Meeting - November 1999 Minutes CMM(R) Book Announcement Business Week: Will Bugs Eat Up the U.S. Lead in Software? Position Openings Drexel University Rochester Institute of Technology University of California, Santa Cruz Butler University Contact and General Information about FASE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This Month's Topic: Top Ten Contributions of the Century Special Guest Panelists: David Carter Motorola University Dennis Frailey Raytheon Systems Company Tom Hilburn Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Nancy Mead Software Engineering Institute and Carnegie Mellon University Michael Ryan Dublin City University and Accelerated Encryption Processing Tony Wasserman Software Methods & Tools Laurie Werth The University of Texas at Austin Panel Facilitator and Topic Editor: Don Bagert, Texas Tech University INTRODUCTION This panel of some of the top people in the software engineering education, training, and professional (SEET&P) issue communities have worked over the last two months to determine the top ten contributions of the century in the area of SEET&P. Many very worthwhile contributions were nominated, and only ten could make the final list. Interestingly enough, eight of those ten contributions began between the 1978 and 1991. So, first, some honorable mentions, classified by time periods - many of them before or the after the development of most of the panel's top ten. HONORABLE MENTION: 1970's through the early 1980's These were among the contributions set the stage for the expansion of software engineering education and training in the late 1970's and on through the 1980's: * A number of pioneering efforts by Peter Freeman, Tony Wasserman and others, including the 1976 Industry/Academia "Interface Conference" [Wasserman and Freeman 1976] and the first education papers at ICSE [Freeman, Wasserman and Fairley 1976; Freeman and Wasserman 1978] * IEEE-CS efforts in the early development of software engineering curricula by David Rine, Jerry Engel, Dick Fairley and others * The first papers on software project courses (discussed in [Tomayko 1999]) * Development of formal methods for software development by Edsger Dijkstra, C.A.R. Hoare, Harlan Mills and others * David Parnas' research on data abstraction (e.g. [Parnas 1972]) * Research in structured analysis and software design by Tom DeMarco, Larry Constantine, and Edward Yourdon * Contributions by Fred Brooks, including "The Mythical Man-Month" and (in the late 1980's) "No Silver Bullet" (both reprinted in [Brooks 1995]) * Barry Boehm's work in software engineering economics [Boehm 1981] HONORABLE MENTION: late 1980's through the 1990's At the end of the 21st century, these more recent contributions may well be seen as some of the most important of the 20th. * The first baccalaureate degrees offered in the UK and Australia and in the USA at the Rochester Institute of Technology * The IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Coordinating Committee (SWECC) * The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Project (SWEBOK), a SWECC-sponsored project * The IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Education Project (SWEEP), also sponsored by SWECC * The Working Group on Software Engineering Education and Training (WGSEET) * Innovative University/Industry Collaborations, as documented by WGSEET (the most recent published in [Beckman 1999]) and others * Mary Shaw's video "Software and Some Lessons From Engineering" and related papers on the history and evolution of engineering, and how it may pertain to the development of software engineering * Gary Ford's work on software engineering education (e.g. [Ford 1990] and [Ford 1994]) * The software engineering education workshops at ICSE, started by John and Laurie Werth * The multi-university Oregon Master of Software Engineering graduate program * Texas Board of Professional Engineers recognizes software engineering as a discipline, and begins to license Professional Engineers in that area And now...THE TOP TEN CONTRIBUTIONS (in chronological order) * Contributions in structured programming and algorithm development by Knuth, Dijkstra, Wirth, Hoare and others (1966-71) Several renowned educators have provided a number of development methods which have greatly influenced the development of computer science and software engineering education. Donald Knuth provided three groundbreaking volumes of a series on algorithms [Knuth 1968 onward], which provided a reference for teaching software development in some of the earliest computer science programs. Perhaps the most famous letter to the editor in the history of the computing field is Edsger Dijkstra's "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" in the March 1968 Communications of the ACM [Dijkstra 1968]. The term "structured programming" soon grew out of the concept of programming without the goto statement, and was enthusiastically embraced by academia. Niklaus Wirth also assisted in the development of structured programming and software development in a number of ways, including the creation of what came to be known as Algol-W with C.A.R. Hoare [Wirth and Hoare 1966], a well-known CACM article on stepwise refinement [Wirth 1971], and in the creation of Pascal, a language specifically developed for the purpose of teaching programming skills, also in 1971. The work of these researcher provided the foundation of programming education as it is implemented to this day, and also gave inspiration to the development of design methodologies for the new field of software engineering. * NATO Conferences on Software Engineering (1968-69) The NATO Software Engineering Conferences (held at Garmisch, Germany, on 7-11 October 1968 and Rome, Italy on 27-31 October 1969) can be considered the first major events of any sort in the field. Although Tomayko [1999] relates of an "opportunity lost" regarding software engineering education at this conference, he also provides the following anecdote: "Mary Shaw recounts how Alan Perlis returned to Carnegie Mellon from Garmisch with a box of the proceedings and gave them out to graduate students, saying 'Here, read this. It will change your life.'" This is one example of how the NATO conferences caused educators and students alike to start thinking of the concepts behind software engineering. * First USA Master's Programs in Software Engineering at the Wang Institute, Seattle University, and TCU (1978-79) According to Ford [1994], the first Master of Software Engineering (MSE) degree programs in the United States were at Texas Christian University (in 1978), Seattle University (1979) and the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies (also 1979). Of these, the panel felt the program at the Wang institute was the most influential. According to Tomayko [1999], by the mid-1980's the three programs had settled on similar curricula, providing the basis for programs to come. * The development of large-scale corporate SE training programs (late 1970's to present) Starting about twenty years ago, a number of large companies involved in software development began to embrace the concept of software engineering. Faced with both a software development workforce mostly untrained in software engineering skills and paucity of academic coursework in software engineering available, many of these companies began developing an array of in-house courses to meet the need. Among the first was the IBM Software Engineering Education Program, which was started in the late '70s, influenced by Harlan Mills; another well-known program is Motorola University. With there still being a shortage of software engineering courses and degree programs available within academia in most countries, such corporate programs remain essential to the development of worker with proper software engineering skills. * First software engineering textbooks by Pressman, Sommerville, Fairley and others (1982-1985) During the 1970's, instructors of software engineering courses had to largely rely on sources besides textbooks in order to supplement the class lectures. However, the next decade saw the development of a number of software engineering texts, led by those authored by Roger S. Pressman [1982], Ian Sommerville [1982], and Richard Fairley [1985]. These three books dominated the textbook market in the field for many years, with Pressman and Sommerville (now in their fourth and fifth editions, respectively) still in widespread use today. * The Software Engineering Institute Education Program, including the development of curriculum modules (1985-94) By 1985 there had already been a variety of education efforts within the software engineering profession (see Introduction) but the SEI Education Program emerged at the right time to play a key role. Shortly after the formation of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Mary Shaw, chief scientist for the Institute, wrote a proposal for an education program to develop graduate curricula [Tomayko 1999]. The program was organized with a permanent staff of educators along with a rotating set of visiting professors. Under the direction of Norman Gibbs (1985-90) and Nancy Mead (1991-94), the SEI Education Program accomplished a wide variety of tasks, including the development of a detailed Graduate Curriculum Model, several curriculum modules on various topics, an outline of a undergraduate curriculum model, compiling a list of U.S. graduate software engineering degree programs, creating a directory of software engineering courses offered in U.S. institutions, the development of educational videotape series for both academia and industry, and the creation and initial sponsoring of the Conference on Software Engineering Education. Although the Education Program was phased out at SEI in the early 90's, its work is still very influential today. Successors of several of its projects, including the curriculum model efforts and a directory of software engineering programs, continue today as projects of the Software Engineering Coordinating Committee (see honorable mention list). * The Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (1987 to present) Over the past 12 years, CSEE&T (originally called the Conference on Software Engineering Education), has become tremendously influential to the software engineering education and training community worldwide. Originally created and run by the Software Engineering Institute, the conference has in recent years been sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society. As the conference evolved, it grew to include training (hence the name change) and professional issues, and became co-located with the ACM SIGCSE Symposium, giving educators in computer science and software engineering an opportunity to meet together and discuss issues of common concern. FASE was also an outgrowth of the early years of the conference [FASE Organization Committee 1991]. * The Carnegie Mellon MSE Program and the SEI Graduate Curriculum Model (1989 to present) Carnegie Mellon was among the first major research universities in the United States to begin an MSE program [Ford 1994]. That, along with the SEI Graduate Curriculum Model released during the same year [Ardis and Ford 1989], caused considerable attention to be placed on graduate software engineering education. The 1991 version of the model remains the most detailed recommendations graduate for software engineering curricula released to date. * The Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model(R) and Personal Software Process(SM) (1991 to present) Although neither the CMM(R) nor the PSP(SM) were primarily developed for educational use, they have been adopted by many in academia. Entire curricula have been based on CMM(R) principles, and the Personal Software Process(SM) has been used in some first-year level classes. Although the use of CMM(R) and PSP(SM) appears to have been more dominant in the mid-1990's, it is still in common use today in many software engineering curricula. In addition, a number of CMM(R) and PSP(SM) training courses have been developed by industry. (R)CMM is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (R)Capability Maturity Model is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (SM)PSP is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University. (SM)Personal Software Process is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University. * The FASE electronic newsletter (1991 to present) The Forum for Advancing Software engineering Education began in 1991 as the Forum for Academic Software Engineering. It was and is intended as means of fostering communication between software engineering educators. It expanded to include training issues (which was the reason for the acronym change) and later, professional issues. It remains today as the only regularly-distributed publication devoted exclusively with software engineering education, training and professional issues. POSTSCRIPT Disagree with the panel's choices? Well now you get your chance to have a say - see below for the topic for the February issue! REFERENCES Ardis, Mark and Ford, Gary 1989. 1989 SEI Report on Graduate Software Engineering Education. Technical Report CMU/SE-89-TR-21, June 1989. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. Beckman, Kathy 1999. Directory of Industry and University Collaborations with a Focus on Software Engineering Education and Training, Version 7. Technical Report CMU/SEI-99-SR-001, February 1999. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. Boehm, Barry W. 1981. Software engineering economics. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ. Brooks, Frederick P. Jr. 1995. The mythical man-month : essays on software engineering, Anniversary edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading MA. Dijkstra, Edsger W. 1968. Go to statement considered harmful. Communications of the ACM, Volume 11, Number 3 (March 1968), pp. 148-149. Fairley, Richard 1985. Software Engineering Concepts. McGraw-Hill, New York NY. FASE Organization Committee (Keith Pierce, Laurie Werth and Pen-Nan Lee) 1991. A bit of history. FASE, Volume 1, Number 1, December 1991. ( Freeman, Peter; Wasserman, Anthony I. and Fairley, Richard E. 1976. Essential elements of software engineering education. Proceedings of 1976 International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 116-122. Freeman, Peter and Wasserman, Anthony I. 1978. Proposed curriculum for software engineering education. Proceedings of the 1978 International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 56-62. Ford, Gary 1990. 1990 SEI Report on Undergraduate Software Engineering Education. Technical Report CMU/SEI-90-TR-3, March 1990. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. Ford, Gary 1994. A Progress Report on Undergraduate Software Engineering Education. Technical Report CMU/SEI-94-TR-11, May 1994. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. Knuth, Donald E. series beginning in 1968. The art of computer programming. Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, Volume 2: Seminumerical algorithms, Volume 3: sorting and searching. Addison-Wesley, Reading MA. Parnas, David L. 1972. A technique for software module specification with examples. Communications of the ACM, Volume 15, Number 5 (May 1972), pp. 330-336. Pressman, Roger S. 1982. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, first edition. McGraw-Hill, New York NY. Sommerville, Ian 1982. Software Engineering, first edition. Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, England. Tomayko, James E. 1999. Forging a discipline: an outline history of software engineering education. Annals of Software Engineering, Volume 6 (1999), pp. 3-18. Wasserman, Anthony I. and Freeman, Peter (editors) 1976. Software Engineering Education: Needs and Objectives (Proceedings of an Interface Conference). Springer-Verlag, New York NY. Wirth, Niklaus and Hoare, C.A.R. 1966. A contribution to the development of Algol. Communications of the ACM, Volume 9, Number 6 (June 1966), pp. 413-432. Wirth, Niklaus 1971. Program development by stepwise refinement. Communications of the ACM, Volume 14, Number 4 (April 1971), pp. 221-227. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Robert Dupuis Last Month's Topic: Addendum [This is a item which arrived too late for last month's topic on The Relationship Between Software Engineering and Related Disciplines.] Software requirements engineering Gerald Kotonya and Pete Sawyer, Computing Department, Lancaster University. United kingdom e-mail: gerald, The following provides a listing of Knowledge Areas of the Related Disciplines that are relevant to the software requirements engineering knowledge area. Computer Science - Foundations: complexity analysis; complexity classes; discrete mathematics; automata; formal specifications - Algorithms and Data Structures: basic data structures; abstract data types; - Computer Architecture: interfacing and communication; alternative architectures; - Information Management: database models; transaction processing - Computing at the Interface: human-computer interaction; multimedia - Operating Systems: tasks, processes and threads; security; protection; distributed systems; real-time computing; embedded systems ; mobile computing infrastructure - Programming Fundamentals and Skills: Introduction to programming languages; programming paradigms; program- solving strategies ; code Generation - Net-centric Computing: collaboration technology; distributed objects computing (DOC/CORBA/DCOM/JVM); enterprise computing - Computational Science: modeling and simulation - Social, Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues Mathematics - Discrete mathematics - Mathematical logic Project Management - Project integration management - Project quality manage - Project scope management - Project time management - Project cost management - Project risk management - Project procurement management Computer Engineering - Systems specification Systems Engineering - Process: requirements definition; behavioural analysis; component specification; system evolution Management and Management Science - Organizational characteristics - Organizational functions - Organizational dynamics - Information systems management Cognitive science and human factors - Use and context of computers - Human social organization and work - Development process ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Month's Topic: Coping with the Faculty Shortage Topic Editor: Don Bagert, Texas Tech University As work of the IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Coordinating Committee (SWECC) and its related groups progress, attention is increasingly shifting to implementation. A major roadblock to the implementation of software engineering degree programs is the lack of qualified full-time faculty. This issue will focus on the problem, and suggest solutions. If you are interested in participating, please contact Don Bagert via ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ February 2000 Topic: Top Ten Contributions - The Readers' Picks Topic Editor: Don Bagert, Texas Tech University This month, some of the experts will gave their opinions - now it's time for the most important people - our readers - to give us their views on what are the top ten contributions of the century in the area of software engineering education, training, and professional (SEET&P) issues. To participate in the survey, go to Voting will end on Tuesday 8 February 2000. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ By: Don Bagert (Academic/Misc Editor) Call for Guest Editors and Topic Suggestions If you are interested in being a guest editor, or have any suggestions for future topics, please contact me at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ News Items ###################################################################### By: Don Bagert (Academic/Misc Editor) IEEE Software Issue on Professional Software Engineering The focus of the November/December issue of IEEE Software was "Professional Software Engineering". The introduction by the guest editors (Steve McConnell and Leonard Tripp) was titled "Professional Software Engineering: Fact or Fiction?" (This phrase was also prominently used on the cover.) Papers included in the issue focus were by David Parnas on curricula (reprinted from Annals of Software Engineering, Volume 6); Gerald Engel on ABET accreditation and SWEEP; Pierre Bourque, Robert Dupuis and others on the SWEBOK body of knowledge project; John Speed on licensing; James Moore on standards; and Donald Gotterbarn on the new software engineering code of ethics. There was also a "Point/Counterpoint" concerning software engineering as a (potentially) licensed profession, with Dennis Frailey taking the pro side, and Tom DeMarco taking the opposite view. Finally, there was a viewpoint article by Michael Jackson on specializing in software engineering, and a column by Bill Councill on software certification via third-party testing. ###################################################################### By: Don Bagert (Academic/Misc Editor) CACM Contains Viewpoints on Software Engineering as a Profession Two "Viewpoint" articles on software engineering as a discipline appeared back-to-back in the December issue of Communications of the ACM. First Amr El-Kadi, in "Stop That Divorce!", argued that "Computing is a new engineering discipline...Close needed to design licensing exams for [NCEES]. Such exams should cover the unified computing discipline while requiring an area of specialization...Let us not rush into separate fields of computing..." Next, in "Licensing Software Engineers", Dennis Frailey states that "Unfortunately, licensing is a political issue, not a technical one, so finding an answer [to the question of whether software engineers should be licensed or not] is difficult, and it will never be possible to prove any course of action is the right one...I continue to struggle with the pros and cons...Some licensing authorities have already asked us to work with them. If we reject these overtures...we may find ourselves at the mercy of laws defined to protect special interest groups...Licensing and regulation are too important to leave to others." ###################################################################### From: Nancy Mead Working Group Meeting - November 1999 Minutes Working Group on Software Engineering Education and Training Condado Plaza Hotel, San Juan November 9-10, 1999 1. Agenda Tuesday November 9 - Garden Room and Garden Terrace 8:30-9 Continental Breakfast 9-9:30 Intro and Administration 9:30-10:30 Keynote Speaker Javier Arroyo, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez 10:30-10:45 Break 10:30-11:30 Reports from the Curricula and I/U Collaboration subgroups, and other reports of interest to the group 11:30-12:00 Formation of subgroups 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-4:00 Subgroups meet 2:30-2:45 Break 4:30-5:00 Brief report from subgroups Wednesday November 10 - Board Rooms 2 and 3 8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast 9:00-11:00 Continue subgroup work 10:30-10:45 Break 11:00-12:00 Subgroups report 12:00 Adjourn. Attendees: Don Bagert Texas Tech University David Carter Motorola Jorge Diaz Southern Polytechnic State University Robert Dupuis University of Quebec at Montreal Heidi Ellis Rensselaer at Hartford Tom Hilburn Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Greg Hislop Drexel University Pete Knoke University of Alaska Fairbanks Mike Lutz Rochester Institute of Technology Nancy Mead Software Engineering Institute Susan Mengel Texas Tech University Fernando Naveda Rochester Institute of Technology Dawn Ramsey Southern Polytechnic State University Michael Ryan Dublin City University Chris Taylor Milwaukee School of Engineering Minutes The meeting opened with introductions and an excellent presentation by Javier Arrroyo of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. His talk was titled "Teaching Software Engineering at UPRM: Past, Present, and Future". Slides from the talk are available. Subsequently we had status reports from the Guidelines subgroup and the Industry/University Collaborations Subgroup. Tom Hilburn gave the report for the Guidelines subgroup. The main news item is that the Guidelines have been published as an SEI report. Nancy gave a brief report for the Industry/University Collaboration group, which follows below. The group engaged in a brainstorming activity, to decide where to go from here. A number of ideas were suggested, which were categorized as Professionalism (P) or Technology (T). A summary of these ideas follows below. The group split into two subgroups, on Professionalism and Technology. The Professionalism group suggested a Web-based journal on software engineering education, with an umbrella society, which could later serve as a home for many of our activities. The Technology group suggested a new set of curriculum modules. Reports from both groups and the associated action items are shown below. Industry/University Collaboration - Report to WGSEET 11/9/99 - Nancy Mead Accomplishments since the last meeting: 1) Completed work on JSS Paper 2) Did a survey to learn which products would be useful to industry/universities - Only a few surveys were returned - Surveys did not help to narrow our focus 3) Developed a handbook outline and sample, over the course of numerous conference calls Consensus: There is not enough interest in the handbook idea to pursue it at this time Candidate discussion items for this meeting: 1) Get more leverage from the work we have completed by doing more publication in an education journal and/or in CrossTalk. We believe this can be accomplished in the near term using existing material. 2) Continue publication of the Directory 3) Explore funding opportunities/grants 4) Use a literature search to help develop new ideas. Brainstorm Results (Requirements) P - Professionalism-Oriented Item T - Technology-Oriented Item * Address important issues "think-tank" * Infrastructure (dept. placement, faculty) P * Liaisons with ALL related organizations P * SwE Professional Organization/Society P ~50 people (what's a critical mass?) seminal event moderate dues * (web-based) journal SwE P * (SEI) curriculum module update T * I/U collaborations P/T * set of essays (in book form) P/T * report/prescription for SwEEdPI journal P/T * SWEBOK applications T * promoting SwE through grass roots/retraining as SwEs P * speaker program P * how to educate/train more SwEs T * relationship of methods to technology T Technology Subgroup Report SubGroup A of the Working Group discussed and formulated ideas for the development of software education curriculum modules. Participants: David Carter, Robert Dupuis, Tom Hilburn, Greg Hislop, Mike Lutz, Susan Mengel, Chris Taylor. 1. The group identified the following activities: a) write a "white paper" grant proposal b) explore/investigate funding opportunities c) explore/investigate industry partners to provide support and provide advise and external review/assessment of the project 2. The group discussed the following initial ideas for the outline of a grant proposal: a. Purpose/Rationale i. There is great demand for well-educated software engineers with training and experience in the professional practice. ii. There is insufficient guidance and support for offering education and training programs in software engineering. b. Foundation Material Three activities/artifacts provide foundation material for the design and implementation of the curriculum modules: i. the IEEE-CS/ACM Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK); ii. the WGSEET Guidelines for Software Engineering Edcuation; iii. and a study of industrial best practices in software engineering and their use of current technology (this requires interacting with a industrial organizations with diverse sizes, domains, and technologies) These foundation elements provide the basis for establishing the requirements for the curriculum modules. In addition the project will make use any other prior or current work in the development of materials (e.g., the early work of the SEI Education Program and curriculum recommendations provided by CC1991 and CC2001). c. Design and Implementation In this phase of the project we will first provide will determine which modules will be developed and the relation between the modules (classification and sequencing of modules). Next each module will be developed, using a common template/pattern for each module. An advisory group (made up of academic and industry representatives) will be asked to review the modules. d. Dissemination, Adoption, and Assessment The modules will be disseminated to potential academic and industrial users. For those organizations adopting the modules the project will carry out an initial assessment of their effectiveness and make judgements about the applicability of the foundation elements (the SWEBOK, the Guidelines, and industrial best practices). 2. Funding Opportunities There was a short discussion about pursuing potential funding opportunities. The following agreed to make contacts and inquiries about opportunities: a. Greg Hislop - Gateway initiative b. Tom Hilburn - former NSF program manager (Abas Sivjee) c. Robert Dupuis - Doris Lidke d. Mike Lutz - Doris Carver 3. Industry Partners There was a short discussion about pursuing potential industrial partners that could provide support, information on best practices, and serve on a review/assessment council. The following agreed to make contacts and inquiries: a. David Carter -Motorola, Dennis Frailey (Raytheon) b. Susan Mengel - Ernst & Young, IBM c. Tom Hilburn - FAA d. Robert Dupuis - SAP, Boeing e. Mike Lutz - Will Tracz (Lockheed-Martin), Steve McConnell (Constux), Martin Greiss (Hewlet-Packard) 4. The group decided to write the grant proposal in three stages: a. first a Concept Paper - a one pager that could be used by the members in their contacts for funding opportunities and industrial partners i. problem part - shortages in workforce, lack of SE- experienced faculty, many SE programs/courses stating, need for SWEBOK validation, need to connect education/training to best practices and current technology ii. solution part - provide detailed curriculum modules: requirements specification phase (using foundations); module design and construction phase; dissemination and assessment phase iii. benefits part - modules usable for course/curriculum development; help for faculty with little SE experience; methodology for connection of modules to industry need b. a 4-5 page white paper for the grant proposal - to be used with funding/grant organizations as "pre-proposal" to solicit opinion about funding prospects c. a full proposal (written in a generic style so that it could be tailored to different grant/funding organizations) 5. The following tasks, schedule, and responsibilities were agreed upon: Task Date Responsible Concept Paper 11/14/99 Greg Hislop WGSEET resume 11/14/99 Tom Hilburn Pre-Proposal 12/ 1/99 Greg Hislop Tom Hilburn Full Proposal - Outline 12/ 1/99 Greg and Tom Full Proposal - 12/15/99 volunteers? component assignments Industry/ Funding Contacts 1/15/00 all Full Proposal - 2/ 1/00 to be designated - component drafts Full Proposal - 3/ 1/00 Greg and Tom integration and editing WGSEET review of Full Proposal 3/ 4/00 all Professionalism Subgroup Report SubGroup B of the Working Group discussed and formulated ideas for the development of a Web-based journal on software engineering education, training, and professional issues, and an umbrella organization which would be a Society. Participants: Don Bagert, Jorge Diaz, Heidi Ellis, Pete Knoke, Nancy Mead, Fernando Naveda, Dawn Ramsey, Michael Ryan The Society: 1. Possible names still under consideration: International Society of Software Engineers (ISSWE) International Software Engineering Society (ISES) The Society for the Advancement of Software Engineering (SASE) Don was assigned to continue looking at that, and report by December 1. We would like to have individual and institutional memberships. 2. Find out about how to organize as a non-profit professional society. Don was also assigned to do that by December 1. The Journal: 1. Send existing journal proposal materials for review (Jorge). Next version in Feb incorporating survey results. 2. Develop survey to be announced in FASE and elsewhere (Jorge will send out sample questions which we will comment on and add to, and he will arrange for construction of the Web page). It will be announced in the January issue of FASE. 3. Announce the new society and journal, along with the survey, for FASE and elsewhere (Nancy and Don). 4. Look at the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 5. We need an Editor-In-Chief, Editorial Board, and reviewers. (Action not assigned to anyone yet) 6. Publication Timeline: 1 March 2000 - Announce EIC and Editorial Board along with the first formal CFP, in time for CSEE&T/SIGCSE. 1 June 2000 - Deadline for papers for the first issue. October 2000 - First issue published. Other ideas: Solicit seed money from industry organizations such as Lockheed Martin and Motorola. Draw a distinction between FASE and the Journal. ###################################################################### From: Pankaj Jalote CMM(R) Book Announcement A NEW BOOK THAT CAN BE USEFUL FOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION =============================================================== Title: CMM(R) IN PRACTICE: Processes for executing software projects at Infosys Author: Pankaj Jalote Publisher: Addison Wesley (SEI Series in Software Engineering) For more info: This book describes the technical and management processes used to initiate, plan, and execute a typical software project at Infosys Technologies, an organization that has been assessed at level 4 of the Capability Maturity Model(R) (CMM(R)) Framework of the SEI. This is the first published description of a CMM(R) implementation. To enhance the discussion, an actual Infosys project is used as a running example throughout the book. The book shows how these working processes relate to the Key Process Areas of the CMM(R). The book should be of value to instructors and students and can form a supplementary text for a project-oriented course on software engineering, as the book provides a good view of how software is developed in a top class software organization, along with a case study. If an instructor wants to adopt the book for an advanced course in software engineering, he/she should contact Addison Wesley representative for desk copy (or contact "CMM(R) in Practice" has 15 chapters: 1. Introduction PART I: PROJECT INITIATION 2. Proposals and Contracts 3. Requirements Specification and Management PART II: PROJECT PLANNING 4. Process Database and Process Capability Baseline 5. Effort Estimation and Scheduling 6. Quality Planning and Defect Estimation 7. Risk Management 8. Project Management Plan 10. Configuration Management Plan PART III: PROJECT EXECUTION AND TERMINATION 11. Life Cycle Execution 12. Peer Review 13. Project Monitoring and Control 14. Project Audits 15. Project Closure Appendix A: From ISO9000 to CMM(R) Appendix B: Managing the Software Process Improvement Project (R)CMM is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (R)Capability Maturity Model is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ###################################################################### From: Elyse Dellinger Business Week: Will Bugs Eat Up the U.S. Lead in Software? The International Edition of Business Week has the above article at along with links to several related articles (e.g. "Software Hell"). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Position Openings ###################################################################### From: Spiros Mancoridis Drexel University TENURE-TRACK POSITIONS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Drexel University Department of Mathematics and Computer Science The Department anticipates multiple tenure-track (assistant professor) faculty positions in Computer Science. Ph.D. in computer science or equivalent and demonstrated excellence in teaching and research required. The department also encourages exceptionally qualified applicants for associate or full professor positions to apply. Drexel's Computer Science program is one of the fastest growing CS programs in the nation, with rapidly expanding graduate education and research programs in Software Engineering, AI, HCI and Scientific Computing. The Department presently has over 600 undergraduate and 150 graduate students; and is supported by major research grants from the NSF (including CAREER and KDI Awards), DARPA, NIST, AT&T, Unisys and Sun Microsystems. Our Computer Science co-operative employment program is the largest in the country, with formal relationships in place with over 300 local, national and multi-national companies. Our major area of interest is SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, however exceptional candidates in other areas (such as human-computer interaction, networking/systems, databases, programming languages, and problem solving environments for science and engineering) are also encouraged to apply. Send letter, curriculum vita, and 4 letters of reference to: CS Search Committee, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104. E-mail: WWW: Applicant review and interviews begin immediately and will continue until the anticipated positions are filled. Drexel University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. --- Dr. Spiros Mancoridis, Assistant Professor Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Str, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA Phone/FAX: (215) 895-6824/1582 Email/WWW: ###################################################################### From: Mike Lutz Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology Software Engineering Department RIT's first in the nation baccalaureate program in software engineering invites faculty applications from those interested in furthering the professional education of the next generation of software engineers. The program has experienced rapid enrollment growth, from an initial entering class of 15 in 1996 to 86 in 1999; currently, the total enrollment is 165. The program is designed to meet both the general ABET requirements for engineering curricula, as well as the proposed program criteria for software engineering. Applicants must have deep interest in professional education and curriculum development, as well as a strong commitment to continued professional growth. A PhD in a related computing discipline is strongly preferred, and industrial experience is highly desirable. We are interested in all aspects of software engineering, including (but not limited to) software architecture and design, formal models, metrics, verification and validation, requirements engineering, and process modeling and improvement. For more information or to apply, send email to Michael Lutz, Department Chair, at, send surface mail to Professor Michael Lutz Software Engineering Department Rochester Institute of Technology 134 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY 14623-5608 or visit our Web site at RIT is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and both invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. ###################################################################### From: Stacey Rodell University of California, Santa Cruz SOFTWARE ENGINEERING The Santa Cruz campus of the University of California invites applications for three positions, two tenured and one tenure-track, in a new Software Engineering Program within the Jack Baskin School of Engineering. We are particularly interested in applicants with outstanding research records and experience in building large software systems. Relevant research topics include but are not limited to, software/systems architectures, software/systems performance, system design, the software development process and software methodologies, verification and testing. One position is for an outstanding scholar of international reputation, who will play a leading role in the development of the new program. This appointee will also provide the administrative and research leadership to a new academic program, and assist in the evelopment of the curriculum. The appointees are expected to maintain an active research program, teach at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and supervise graduate students. The Jack Baskin School of Engineering of UCSC has strong M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Computer Science and Computer Engineering with approximately 150 graduate students, and undergraduate programs in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. The School of Engineering is entering an exciting phase of expansion aimed at areas that will be in great demand in the next decade. In addition to software engineering, programs planned for the near future within the School of Engineering include applied mathematics and statistics, engineering management, and biomolecular engineering. Research and instruction are supported by excellent computing facilities and state-of-the-art laboratories. UCSC is the University of California campus of "Silicon Valley" and has close research ties with the local computer industry. Faculty salaries are competitive, and opportunities for consulting are extensive. RANK: Associate to Full Professor (with tenure) - Position #440 2 positions available pending budgetary approval. RANK: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) - Position #456 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Separate applicant pools will be formed for the tenure track and the tenured positions. For the tenure-track position, a Ph.D. or equivalent in computer science, computer engineering, or related field (Ph.D. by July 1, 2000 preferred, must be conferred within one year of appointment). Demonstrated potential for excellence in research; teaching experience or strong committment to graduate and undergraduate teaching. For the tenured position, a Ph.D. or equivalent in computer science, computer engineering, or related field. Outstanding record as researcher and educator appropriate to the level of appointment. Achievements in or demonstrated potential for leadership in the development of a new academic program at the university level. POSITION AVAILABLE: Fall 2000 SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. APPLY TO: Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research, teaching and administrative interest and experience, copies of selected reprints to: Chair, Software Engineering Search Committee Jack Baskin School of Engineering Baskin Engineering Building University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Candidates for the Assistant Professor position: have at least three letters of recommendation sent, and refer to position #456 in your cover letter. Candidates for the Associate to Full Professor positions: have the names and addresses of at least five references sent, and refer to position #440 in your cover letter. CLOSING DATE: February 1, 2000 For additional information on these positions, email For further details regarding the Jack Baskin School of Engineering at UCSC, see Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply. UCSC is an EOE/AA/IRCA Employer ###################################################################### From: Pete Henderson Butler University Computer Science/Software Engineering Faculty Position Butler University -- Indianapolis, Indiana OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEWLY FORMED DEPARTMENT. The Department of Computer Science at Butler University invites applications for two faculty positions at any rank from individuals interested in the establishment of an innovative undergraduate Software Engineering curriculum founded on mathematics and problem solving. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related discipline and background in an applied field (i.e. software engineering, operating systems, networks, computer architecture, etc.). A strong commitment to teaching and distinction in scholarship are expected and encouraged. Salary will be commensurate with background and experience. Applicants should send a detailed resume to: Professor Peter B. Henderson, Head Department of Computer Science Butler University 4600 Sunset Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46208-3485 and arrange to have at least three letters of reference sent to the same address. Screening will begin immediately, and continue until the positions are filled. Butler University, with an enrollment of 3350 undergraduate students, is located in a residential area of Indianapolis, Indiana, and offers an array of professional and pre-professional programs within the context of a strong commitment to the traditional arts and sciences and to the values of liberal education. It enjoys a national reputation for excellence and quality, and has been ranked among the top institutions in its Carnegie category. Letters and requests for information may also be sent to In addition, please e-mail to the same address a URL pointing to your online resume and publications. Applications from women and minorities are particularly sought. Butler University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contact and General Information about FASE The Forum for Advancing Software engineering Education (FASE) is published on the 15th of each month by the FASE editorial board. Send newsletter articles to one of the editors, preferably by category: Articles pertinent to corporate and government training to Kathy Beckman ; Academic education, and all other categories to Don Bagert . If the article for a FASE topic where there is a guest editor, the submission should instead be to that person. Items must be submitted by the 8th of the month in order to be considered for inclusion in that month's issue. Also, please see the submission guidelines immediately below. FASE submission format guidelines: All submissions must be in ASCII format, and contain no more than 70 characters per line (71 including the new line character). This 70-character/line format must be viewable in a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad WITHOUT using a "word wrap" facility. All characters (outside of the newline) should in the ASCII code range from 32 to 126 (i.e. "printable" in DOS text mode). [NEW SUBSCRIBE/UNSCRIBE INFORMATION - September 15, 1998] Everyone that is receiving this is on the FASE mailing list. If you wish to leave this list, write to and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write: unsubscribe fase To rejoin (or have someone else join) the FASE mailing list, write to subscribe fase For instance, if your name is Jane Smith, write: subscribe fase Jane Smith But what if you have something that you want to share with everyone else, before the next issue? For more real-time discussion, there is the FASE-TALK discussion list. It is our hope that it will be to FASE readers what the SIGCSE.members listserv is to that group. (For those of you that don't know, SIGCSE is the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education.) To subscribe to the FASE-TALK list, write to and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write: subscribe fase-talk For instance, if your name is Jane Smith, write: subscribe fase-talk Jane Smith Please try to limit FASE-TALK to discussion items related to software engineering education and training; CFPs and other such items can still be submitted to the editor for inclusion into FASE. Anyone that belongs to the FASE-TALK mailing list can post to it. FASE-TALK is also used by the editors for "breaking stories" i.e. news that we feel that you would want to hear about before the next issue of FASE comes out. (We do this sparingly, though.) As always, there is no cost for subscribing to either FASE or FASE-TALK! Back issues (dating from the very first issue) can be found on the web (with each Table of Contents) at in chronological order, in reverse order, or through ftp at . The FASE Staff: Don Bagert, P.E. -- Academic/Misc Editor, ListMaster, and Archivist Dept. of Computer Science 8th and Boston Texas Tech University Lubbock TX 79409-3104 USA Phone: 806-742-1189 Fax: 806-742-3519 Email: URL: Kathy Beckman -- Corporate/Government Editor Computer Data Systems One Curie Ct. Rockville MD 20850 USA Phone: 301-921-7027 Fax: 301-921-1004 Email: Laurie Werth -- Advisory Committee Taylor Hall 2.124 University of Texas at Austin Austin TX 78712 USA Phone: 512-471-9535 Fax: 512-471-8885 Email: Nancy Mead -- Advisory Committee Software Engineering Institute 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA Phone: 412-268-5756 Fax: 412-268-5758 Email: