| |
| Larry Davis | University of Maryland |
| Jitendra Malik | University of California, Berkeley |
| Trevor Darrell | University of California, Berkeley |
| David Hogg | University of Leeds, UK |
| David Jacobs | University of Maryland |
| Fei-Fei Li | Stanford University |
| Bryan Morse | Brigham Young University |
| Silvio Savarese | University of Michigan |
| Serge Belongie | University of California, San Diego |
| Eric N. Mortensen | Lucidyne Technologies, Inc. |
| Ming-Hsuan Yang | University of California, Merced |
| Anthony Hoogs | Kitware Inc. |
| Yuri Ivanov | Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories |
| Kinh Tieu | Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories |
| Kristen Grauman | University of Texas, Austin |
| Dima Damen | University of Bristol, UK |
| Sanja Fidler | University of California, Berkeley |
| Li-Jia Li | Stanford University |
| Juan Carlos Niebles | Stanford University |
| Ryan Farrell | University of Maryland |
| Aniruddha Kembhavi | University of Maryland |
| Tom Yeh | University of Maryland |
| Simon Baker | Microsoft Research |
| Ronen Basri | Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
| Peter Belhumeur | Columbia University |
| Antonio Criminisi | Microsoft Research |
| Fernando De la Torre | Carnegie Mellon University |
| Sven Dickinson | University of Toronto, Canada |
| Jim Duncan | Yale University |
| Irfan Essa | Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Mark Everingham | University of Leeds, UK |
| Pedro Felzenszwalb | University of Chicago |
| Rob Fergus | New York University |
| David Fleet | University of Toronto, Canada |
| David Forsyth | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
| Charles Fowlkes | University of California, Irvine |
| Bill Freeman | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
| Eric Grimson | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
| Richard Hartley | Australian National University, Australia |
| Martial Hebert | Carnegie Mellon University |
| Anthony Hoogs | Kitware Inc. |
| Dan Huttenlocher | Cornell University |
| Sing Bing Kang | Microsoft Research |
| Jana Kosecka | George Mason University |
| David Kriegman | University of California, San Diego |
| Ivan Laptev | INRIA Rennes, France |
| Yann LeCun | New York University |
| Ales Leonardis | University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
| Fei-Fei Li | Stanford University |
| Marc Pollefeys | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
| Long Quan | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China |
| Silvio Savarese | University of Michigan |
| Harpreet Sawhney | Sarnoff Corp. |
| Cordelia Schmid | INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France |
| Stan Sclaroff | Boston University |
| Jianbo Shi | University of Pennsylvania |
| Kaleem Siddiqi | McGill University, Canada |
| Stefano Soatto | University of California, Los Angeles |
| Josephine Sullivan | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
| Massimo Tistarelli | University of Sassari, Italy |
| Bill Triggs | Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, France |
| Olga Veksler | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
| William M. Wells III | Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and MIT |
| Lior Wolf | Tel Aviv University, Israel |
| Lihi Zelnik-Manor | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel |
| Todd Zickler | Harvard University |
| Andrew Zisserman | University of Oxford, UK |