The ICCV'99 Conference Poster Presentations

There are 2 poster sessions A (evening of Sept. 22) and B  (evening of Sept. 25). During these, authors will be scheduled to be at their posters for half of the duration of the session. Preceding  each presentation item below, you will find a code N.M, where N will take on values A or B signifying poster session, and M will take on values 1 or 2 signifying which half of the session you are scheduled to be at your poster. If you are unable due to your travel constraints (only!) to accept your time slot, please let me know and we can make changes. I apologize for the change after having announced only a single poster session; however, the number of people who urged more poster time was significant and thus the re-organization.

We will have available small tables and power bars during the sessions. These are so that you can bring your laptop and use powerpoint presentations and the like during your poster time. If you will to use these, please *reserve* in advance by sending mail to Poster size is 1.25m wide by 2.0 m high.

Please note your set-up and take-down times in the schedule above. You will be required to take down your posters immediately after your session.

Finally, please note that since the papers nominated for the David Marr Prize include at least one poster presentation, you may be moved to the prize session on the first day for an oral presentation. The final program will be known only a few days before the meeting; authors who will be moved to the prize session will be contacted separately.

Those who have reserved tables for laptios are denoted by * after author list.

Vision and Graphics
A.1 New Calibration-free Approach for Augmented Reality Based on Parameterized Cuboid Structure
Chu-Song Chen, Chih-Guo Yu, Yi-Ping Hung

A.2 Appearance Compression and Synthesis based on 3D Model for Mixed Reality
K.Nishino,Y.Sato, K.Ikeuchi

A.1 Using Model-Driven Bundle-Adjustment to Model Heads from Raw Video Sequences
Pascal Fua

B.2 View Synthesis and 3D Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Scenes
Bjorn Johansson

A.1 Robust Sequence Proximity Estimation by Radial Distance Hashing
Michael Kertesz, Yehezkel Yeshurun

A.2 Optimum Fiducials under Weak Perspective Projection
Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali

B.1 Accuracy Bounds and Optimal Computation of Homograph for Image Mosaicing Applications
Kenichi Kanatani, Naoya Ohta

Real-time Active Vision and Computer Interfaces
A.1 Continuous Dynamic Programming for translation-invariant curve alignment with applications to signature verification
Mario E. Munich, Pietro Perona

A.2 Parallel Hidden Markov Models for American Sign Language Recognition
Christian Vogler, Dimitris Metaxas

B.1 Tracking Self-Occluding Articulated Objects in Dense Disparity Maps
Nebojsa Jojic, Matthew A. Turk, Thomas S. Huang

B.2 Modeling The Process of Ageing in Face Images
Andreas Lanitis, Chris J. Taylor, Timothy F. Cootes

A.1 Advances in Active Appearance Models
Gareth J. Edwards, Timothy F. Cootes, Kevin Walker and Chris J. Taylor

A.2 Resynthesizing Facial Animation through 3D Model-Based Tracking
Frederic Pighin, Richard Szeliski, David Salesin

B.1 Gesture Recognition using Character Recognition Techniques on Two-dimensional Eigenspace
Hiroshi Ohno, Masanobu Yamamoto

B.2 Recognition of Temporal Structures: Learning Prior and Propagating Observation Augmented Densities via Hidden Markov States
Shaogang Gong, Michael Walter, Alexandra Psarrou

A.1 Statistical Tracking in Video Traffic Surveillance
Jeffrey Boyd, Jean Meloche, Yehuda Vardi *

A.2 Recognition of Multi-Agent Interaction in Video Surveillance
Yuri A. Ivanov, Aaron F. Bobick

B.1 Probabilistic Object Recognition and Localization
Bernt Schiele, Alex Pentland *

B.2 About the Self-calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera: Theory and Practice
Yongduek Seo and Ki Sang Hong

A.1 Estimation of Composite Object and Camera Image Motion
Yaser Yacoob and Larry Davis

A.2 Tracking Rigid Motion using a Compact-Structure Constraint
Yaser Yacoob and Larry Davis

B.1 3-D Pose Tracking with Linear Depth and Brightness Constraints
Michael Harville, Ali Rahimi, Trevor Darrell, Gaile Gordon, John Woodfill

B.2 Posture Estimation Using Structure and Motion Models
Yoshio IWAI, Kenichi OGAKI, Masahiko YACHIDA

A.1 Generalized Bounds for Time to Collision from First-Order Image Motion
Carlo Colombo, Alberto Del Bimbo

A.2 The PDAF Based Active Contour
N. Peterfreund

B.1 Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Disparity
Marten Bjorkman, Jan-Olof Eklundh

A.2 A Subset Approach to Contour Tracking in Clutter
Daniel Freedman, Michael S. Brandstein

A.1 Viewpoint Selection by Navigation through Entropy Maps
Tal Arbel, Frank P. Ferrie

A.2 Wallflower:  Principles and Practice of Background Maintenance
Kentaro Toyama, John Krumm, Barry Brumitt, Brian Meyers

B.1 Robust real-time visual tracking using a 2D-3D model-based approach
E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, V. Moreau

B.2 Zoom-Invariant Tracking using Points and Lines in Affine Views - an application of the affine multifocal tensors
E. Hayman, T. Thórhallsson, D. Murray

Shape Representation and Recovery
A.1 Medial faces from concise 3D thinning algorithms
Antoine Manzanera, Thierry M. Bernard, Francoise Preteux, Bernard Longuet

A.2 Inherent Two-way Ambiguity in 2D Projective Reconstruction from Three Uncalibrated 1D Images
Long Quan

B.1 Flexible Calibration :  Minimal Cases for Auto-calibration
Anders heyden, Kalle Astrom

B.2 The Visual Hull of Curved Objects
Aldo Laurentini

A.1 Symmetry Maps of Free-Form Curve Segments Via Wave Propagation
Huseyin Tek, Benjamin B. Kimia

A.2 Differential Matching Constraints
Bill Triggs

A.1 A Fast Graph Algorithm for Approximate Energy Minimization
Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler and Ramin Zabih

B.2 On the Local Form and Transitions of Symmetry Sets, Medial Axes, and Shocks
Peter J. Giblin, Benjamin B. Kimia

B.1 Resolution Invariant Surfaces for Panoramic Vision Systems
Tanya L. Conroy, John B. Moore

A.2 Catadioptric Camera Calibration
Chris Geyer, Kostas Daniilidis

B.1 Shape from Texture through Deformations
Maureen Clerc, Stephane Mallat

B.2 The Recovery of Object Shape and Camera Motion Using a Sensing System with a Video Camera and a Gyro Sensor
Toshiharu Mukai, Noboru Ohnishi

A.1 Poxels: Probabilistic Voxelized Volume Reconstruction
Jeremy De Bonet, Paul Viola

A.2 Robust Estimation of Curvature Information from Noisy 3D Data for Shape Description
Chi-Keung Tang, Gerard Medioni *

B.1 Single View Metrology
Antonio Criminisi, Ian Reid, Andrew Zisserman *

B.2 Photometric Surface Analysis in a Tri-Luminal Environment
Elli V. Angelopoulou, James P. Williams

A.1 Shape Similarity Retrieval Under Affine Transform: Application to Multi-view Object Representation and Recognition
Sadegh Abbasi and  Farzin Mokhtarian

A.2 Approximate Tree Matching and Shape Similarity
Tyng-Luh Liu, Davi Geiger

A.1 Neurocalibration: A Neural Network That Can Tell Camera Calibration Parameters
Moumen Ahmed, Elsayed Hemayed and Aly Farag

B.2 Critical Motions and Ambiguous Euclidean Reconstructions in Auto-Calibration
Fredrik Kahl

A.1 Affine Reconstruction from Monocular Vision in the Presence of A Symmetry Plane
D. Q. Huynh

A.2 Depth Estimation using  Defocused  Stereo Image Pairs
Uma Mudenagudi and Subhasis Chaudhuri

B.1 Multiway Cut for Stereo and Motion with Slanted Surfaces
Stan Birchfield and Carlo Tomasi

B.2 A simple and efficient rectification method for general motion
Marc Pollefeys, Reinhard Koch, Luc Van Gool

A.1 Epipolar Geometry Estimation by Tensor Voting in 8D
Chi-Keung Tang, Gerard Medioni, Mi-Suen Lee *

A.2 Camera Calibration and the Search for Infinity
Richard Hartley, Lourdes de Agapito, Ian Ried, Eric Hayman

Motion Analysis
B.1 Estimation of Structure and Motion Parameters for a Roaming Robot that Scans the Space
Minoru Etoh, Tosimi Aoki, Koici Hata

B.2 Calibration of Hand-held Camera Sequences for Plenoptic Modeling
Reinhard Koch, Marc Pollefeys, Benno Heigl, Luc Van Gool, Heinrich Niemann

B.1 Efficient Recovery of Low-Dimensional Structure from High-Dimensional Data
Shyjan Mahamud, Martial Hebert

A.2 Motion Segmentation Based on Factorization Method and Discriminant Criterion
N. Ichimura

A.1 Capturing Articulated Human Hand Motion: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach
Ying Wu, Thomas S. Huang *

A.2 Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
Harpreet S. Sawhney, Y. Guo and Rakesh Kumar *

B.2 Fluid motion recovery by coupling dense and parametric motion fields
Etienne Memin and Patrick Perez

A.2 Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation Using Subspace Constraints
Michal Irani *

B.1 Classification of human body motion
Jens Rittscher and Andrew Blake

B.2 Representation Issues in the ML Estimation of Camera Motion
Joachim Hornegger, Carlo Tomasi

B.1 Tracking Articulated Objects in Real-Time Range Image Sequences
Michael H. Lin

A.2 Correspondenceless Motion Estimation from Range Images
Yonghuai Liu, Marcos A. Rodrigues

B.1 Bayesian Structure from Motion
D.A. Forsyth S. Ioffe J. Haddon

B.2 Flexible Camera Calibration By Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientations
Zhengyou Zhang

A.1 Reconstruction of Curves in $R^3$, using Factorization and Bundle Adjustment
Rikard Berthilsson, Kalle Astrom, Anders Heyden

A.2 What can be determined from a full and a weak perspective image?
Zhengyou Zhang, P. Anandan, Heung-Yeung Shum

B.1 Geodesic Active Regions for Motion Estimation and Tracking
Nikos Paragios  and Rachid Deriche

A.1 Accurate Motion Flow Estimation with Discontinuities
Lionel F. Gaucher and Gerard G. Medioni

A.1 Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear-Programming
Moshe Ben-Ezra, Shmuel Peleg, Michael Werman

A.2 Multi-View Subspace Constraints on Homographies
Lihi Zelnik-Manor and Michal Irani *

B.1 3D Articulated Models and Multi-View Tracking with Silhouettes
Quentin Delamarre, Olivier Faugeras

B.2 Three-Dimensional Scene Flow
Sundar Vedula, Simon Baker, Peter Rander, Robert Collins, Takeo Kanade

A.1 Registration of Multiple Point Sets Using the EM Algorithm
Jacob Goldberger

A.2 A New Algorithm for Two-Frame Structure from Motion
John Oliensis, Yakup Genc

B.1 Fast and Accurate Self—Calibration
John Oliensis

B.2 Removal of Translation Bias when using Subspace Methods
W. James MacLean

A.1 Densities and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Matching Constraints
Rikard Berthilsson

A.2 Recovery and Tracking of Continuous 3D Surfaces from Stereo Data Using A Deformable Dual-Mesh
Yusuf Sinan Akgul and  Chandra Kambhamettu

B.1 Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
Yi Ma, Stefano Soatto, Jana Kosecka and Shankar Sastry

B.2 Prediction Error as a Quality Metric for Motion and Stereo
Richard Szeliski

A.1 Rigid and Articulated Motion Seen with an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
Andreas Ruf and Radu Horaud

A.2 Detecting salient motion by accumulating directionally-consistent flow
L. Wixson

A.2 Monocular Perception of Biological Motion - Detection and Labeling
Yang Song, Luis Goncalves, Enrico Di Bernardo, Pietro Perona

Physics Based Vision
B.2 Colour by Correlation: A Simple Unifying Approach to Colour Constancy
G.D. Finlayson, S.D. Hordley, P.M. Hubel

A.1 The Optimal Axial Interval in Estimating Depth from Defocus
Yoav Y. Schechner and Nahum Kiryati

A.2 A Representation of Specular Appearance
Stephen Lin and Sang W. Lee

B.1 Estimation of Diffuse and Specular Appearance
Stephen Lin  and Sang W. Lee

A.2 Spectral Gradient: A Material Descriptor Invariant to Geometry and Incident Illumination
Elli Angelopoulou, Sang W. Lee and Ruzena Bajcsy

A.1 A coupled method for lighting and shape estimation from single images
Dimitrios Samaras, Dimitris Metaxas

A.2 Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows: Adaptive Estimation of Illumination Distribution with Unknown Reflectance Properties in Shadow Regions
Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi *

Segmentation, Grouping, and Feature Extraction
B.1 United Snakes
Jianming Liang, Tim McInerney, and Demetri Terzopoulos

B.2 Manhattan World: Compass Direction from a Single Image by Bayesian Inference
James M. Coughlan and A. L. Yuille

A.1 A Convexity-Size Stochastic Measure
Hsing-Kuo K. Pao, Davi Geiger, Nava Rubin

A.2 Bayesian Fusion of Color and Texture Segmentations
Roberto Manduchi

A.2  A Level Line Selection Approach for Object Boundary Estimation
Charles Kervrann, Mark Hoebeke, Alain Trubuil

B.2 Unsupervised Image Classification with a Hierarchical EM Algorithm
Annabelle Chardin, Patrick Perez

A.1 Segmentation using eigenvectors: a unifying view
Yair Weiss

A.2 An Integrated Bayesian Approach to Layer Extraction from Image Sequences
Philip Torr, Rick Szeliski,  Padmanandhan Anandan

B.1 Modeling Bayesian Estimation for Deformable Contours
Stan Z. Li, Juwei Lu

B.2 Cluster-Based Segmentation of Natural Scenes
Eric J Pauwels, Greet Frederix

A.1 Curve Extraction Combining Perceptual Grouping and a Kalman like Fitting
Frederic Guichard, Jean-Philippe Tarel

A.2 Corner Detection in Textured Color Images
Mark A. Ruzon, Carlo Tomasi

B.1 A Cluster-Based Statistical Model for Object Detection
Thomas D. Rikert, Michael J. Jones, Paul Viola

B.2 Independent Component Analysis of Textures
Roberto Manduchi, Javier Portilla

A.1 Correlation Model for 3D Texture
Kristin J. Dana, Shree K. Nayar

Matching, Recognition  and Indexing
A.2 Free-Form Surface Registration Using Surface Signatures
Sameh M. Yamany, Aly A. Farag

B.1 A Bidirectional Matching Algorithm for Deformable Pattern Detection with Application to Handwritten Word Retrieval
Kwok-Wai Cheung, Dit-Yan Yeung, Roland T. Chin

B.2 Utilizing Scatter for Pixel Subspace Selection
Haim Schweitzer

A.1 Finding Correspondences of Patches by Means of Affine Transformations
Rikard Berthilsson

A.2 Qualitative Probabilities for Image Interpretation
Allan Jepson, Richard Mann

B.1 Principal Manifolds and Bayesian Subspaces for Visual Recognition
Baback Moghaddam

B.2 Sensitivity Analysis for Object Recognition from Large Structural Libraries
Benoit Huet and Edwin R. Hancock

A.1 Tracking through singularities and discontinuities by random sampling
J. Deutscher, B. North, B. Bascle and A. Blake

A.2 Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features
David G. Lowe

B.1 Projective Alignment with Regions
Ronen Basri, David W. Jacobs

A.2 Empirical Evaluation of Dissimilarity Measures for Color and Texture
Jan Puzicha, Yossi Rubner, Carlo Tomasi, Joachim M. Buhmann

Vision and Learning
A.1 Higher Order Statistical Learning for Vehicle Detection in Images
A.N. Rajagopalan, Philippe Burlina, Rama Chellappa

A.2 Learning-Based Object Detection in Cardiac MR Images
Nicolae Duta, Anil K. Jain, Marie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly

B.1 Learning Visual Landmarks for Tracking and Pose Estimation
Robert Sim, Gregory Dudek

B.2 A Pattern Classification Approach to Dynamical Object Detection
Constantine Papageorgiou, Tomaso Poggio

B.1 Control in a 3D Reconstruction System using Selective Perception
M. Marengoni, A. Hanson, S. Zilberstein, E. Riseman

A.2 Shadow Puppetry
Matthew Brand

B.1 Direction Diffusion
Bei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, and Vicent Caselles

B.2 Semantic Organization of Scenes using Discriminant Structural Templates
Antonio B. Torralba, Aude Oliva

Poster Session A   - Wednesday, September 22, 19:00 - 22:00

New Calibration-free Approach for Augmented Reality Based on Parameterized Cuboid Structure
Chu-Song Chen, Chih-Guo Yu, Yi-Ping Hung

Robust Sequence Proximity Estimation by Radial Distance Hashing
Michael Kertesz, Yehezkel Yeshurun

Viewpoint Selection by Navigation through Entropy Maps
Tal Arbel, Frank P. Ferrie

Generalized Bounds for Time to Collision from First-Order Image Motion
Carlo Colombo, Alberto Del Bimbo

Continuous Dynamic Programming for translation-invariant curve alignment with applications to signature verification
Mario E. Munich, Pietro Perona

Advances in Active Appearance Models
Gareth J. Edwards, Timothy F. Cootes, Kevin Walker and Chris J. Taylor

Statistical Tracking in Video Traffic Surveillance
Jeffrey Boyd, Jean Meloche, Yehuda Vardi *

Estimation of Composite Object and Camera Image Motion
Yaser Yacoob and Larry Davis

Medial faces from concise 3D thinning algorithms
Antoine Manzanera, Thierry M. Bernard, Francoise Preteux, Bernard Longuet

Symmetry Maps of Free-Form Curve Segments Via Wave Propagation
Huseyin Tek, Benjamin B. Kimia

A Fast Graph Algorithm for Approximate Energy Minimization
Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler and Ramin Zabih

Poxels: Probabilistic Voxelized Volume Reconstruction
Jeremy De Bonet, Paul Viola

Shape Similarity Retrieval Under Affine Transform: Application to Multi-view Object Representation and Recognition
Sadegh Abbasi and  Farzin Mokhtarian

Neurocalibration: A Neural Network That Can Tell Camera Calibration Parameters
Moumen Ahmed, Elsayed Hemayed and Aly Farag

Affine Reconstruction from Monocular Vision in the Presence of A Symmetry Plane
D. Q. Huynh

Epipolar Geometry Estimation by Tensor Voting in 8D
Chi-Keung Tang, Gerard Medioni, Mi-Suen Lee *

Capturing Articulated Human Hand Motion: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach
Ying Wu, Thomas S. Huang *

Reconstruction of Curves in R3, using Factorization and Bundle Adjustment
Rikard Berthilsson, Kalle Astrom, Anders Heyden

Accurate Motion Flow Estimation with Discontinuities
Lionel F. Gaucher and Gerard G. Medioni

Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear-Programming
Moshe Ben-Ezra, Shmuel Peleg, Michael Werman

Registration of Multiple Point Sets Using the EM Algorithm
Jacob Goldberger

Densities and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Matching Constraints
Rikard Berthilsson

Rigid and Articulated Motion Seen with an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
Andreas Ruf and Radu Horaud

The Optimal Axial Interval in Estimating Depth from Defocus
Yoav Y. Schechner and Nahum Kiryati

A coupled method for lighting and shape estimation from single images
Dimitrios Samaras, Dimitris Metaxas

A Convexity-Size Stochastic Measure
Hsing-Kuo K. Pao, Davi Geiger, Nava Rubin

Segmentation using eigenvectors: a unifying view
Yair Weiss

Curve Extraction Combining Perceptual Grouping and a Kalman like Fitting
Frederic Guichard, Jean-Philippe Tarel

Correlation Model for 3D Texture
Kristin J. Dana, Shree K. Nayar

Finding Correspondences of Patches by Means of Affine Transformations
Rikard Berthilsson

Tracking through singularities and discontinuities by random sampling
J. Deutscher, B. North, B. Bascle and A. Blake

Higher Order Statistical Learning for Vehicle Detection in Images
A.N. Rajagopalan, Philippe Burlina, Rama Chellappa

Using Model-Driven Bundle-Adjustment to Model Heads from Raw Video Sequences
Pascal Fua

Spectral Gradient: A Material Descriptor Invariant to Geometry and Incident Illumination
Elli Angelopoulou, Sang W. Lee and Ruzena Bajcsy

Appearance Compression and Synthesis based on 3D Model for Mixed Reality
K.Nishino,Y.Sato, K.Ikeuchi

Optimum Fiducials under Weak Perspective Projection
Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali

A Subset Approach to Contour Tracking in Clutter
Daniel Freedman, Michael S. Brandstein

Wallflower:  Principles and Practice of Background Maintenance
Kentaro Toyama, John Krumm, Barry Brumitt, Brian Meyers

The PDAF Based Active Contour
N. Peterfreund

Parallel Hidden Markov Models for American Sign Language Recognition
Christian Vogler, Dimitris Metaxas

Resynthesizing Facial Animation through 3D Model-Based Tracking
Frederic Pighin, Richard Szeliski, David Salesin

Recognition of Multi-Agent Interaction in Video Surveillance
Yuri A. Ivanov, Aaron F. Bobick

Tracking Rigid Motion using a Compact-Structure Constraint
Yaser Yacoob and Larry Davis

Inherent Two-way Ambiguity in 2D Projective Reconstruction from Three Uncalibrated 1D Images
Long Quan

Differential Matching Constraints
Bill Triggs

Catadioptric Camera Calibration
Chris Geyer, Kostas Daniilidis

Robust Estimation of Curvature Information from Noisy 3D Data for Shape Description
Chi-Keung Tang, Gerard Medioni *

Approximate Tree Matching and Shape Similarity
Tyng-Luh Liu, Davi Geiger

Depth Estimation using  Defocused  Stereo Image Pairs
Uma Mudenagudi and Subhasis Chaudhuri

Camera Calibration and the Search for Infinity
Richard Hartley, Lourdes de Agapito, Ian Ried, Eric Hayman

Motion Segmentation Based on Factorization Method and Discriminant Criterion
N. Ichimura

Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
Harpreet S. Sawhney, Y. Guo and Rakesh Kumar *

Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation Using Subspace Constraints
Michal Irani *

Correspondenceless Motion Estimation from Range Images
Yonghuai Liu, Marcos A. Rodrigues

What can be determined from a full and a weak perspective image?
Zhengyou Zhang, P. Anandan, Heung-Yeung Shum

Multi-View Subspace Constraints on Homographies
Lihi Zelnik-Manor  and Michal Irani *

A New Algorithm for Two-Frame Structure from Motion
John Oliensis, Yakup Genc

Recovery and Tracking of Continuous 3D Surfaces from Stereo Data Using A Deformable Dual-Mesh
Yusuf Sinan Akgul and  Chandra Kambhamettu

Detecting salient motion by accumulating directionally-consistent flow
L. Wixson

Monocular Perception of Biological Motion - Detection and Labeling
Yang Song, Luis Goncalves, Enrico Di Bernardo, Pietro Perona

A Representation of Specular Appearance
Stephen Lin and Sang W. Lee

Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows: Adaptive Estimation of Illumination Distribution with Unknown Reflectance Properties in Shadow Regions
Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi *

Bayesian Fusion of Color and Texture Segmentations
Roberto Manduchi

A Level Line Selection Approach for Object Boundary Estimation
Charles Kervrann, Mark Hoebeke, Alain Trubuil

An Integrated Bayesian Approach to Layer Extraction from Image Sequences
Philip Torr, Rick Szeliski,  Padmanandhan Anandan

Corner Detection in Textured Color Images
Mark A. Ruzon, Carlo Tomasi

Free-Form Surface Registration Using Surface Signatures
Sameh M. Yamany, Aly A. Farag

Qualitative Probabilities for Image Interpretation
Allan Jepson, Richard Mann

Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features
David G. Lowe

Empirical Evaluation of Dissimilarity Measures for Color and Texture
Jan Puzicha, Yossi Rubner, Carlo Tomasi, Joachim M. Buhmann

Learning-Based Object Detection in Cardiac MR Images
Nicolae Duta, Anil K. Jain, Marie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly

Shadow Puppetry
Matthew Brand

Poster Session B  - Saturday, September 25, 19:30 - 22:30

Tracking Articulated Objects in Real-Time Range Image Sequences
Michael H. Lin

Control in a 3D Reconstruction System using Selective Perception
M. Marengoni, A. Hanson, S. Zilberstein, E. Riseman

Accuracy Bounds and Optimal Computation of Homograph for Image Mosaicing Applications
Kenichi Kanatani, Naoya Ohta

Robust real-time visual tracking using a 2D-3D model-based approach
E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, V. Moreau

Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Disparity
Marten Bjorkman, Jan-Olof Eklundh

3-D Pose Tracking with Linear Depth and Brightness Constraints
Michael Harville, Ali Rahimi, Trevor Darrell, Gaile Gordon, John Woodfill

Tracking Self-Occluding Articulated Objects in Dense Disparity Maps
Nebojsa Jojic, Matthew A. Turk, Thomas S. Huang

Gesture Recognition using Character Recognition Techniques on Two-dimensional Eigenspace
Hiroshi Ohno, Masanobu Yamamoto

Probabilistic Object Recognition and Localization
Bernt Schiele, Alex Pentland *

Flexible Calibration :  Minimal Cases for Auto-calibration
Anders heyden, Kalle Astrom

Resolution Invariant Surfaces for Panoramic Vision Systems
Tanya L. Conroy, John B. Moore

Shape from Texture through Deformations
Maureen Clerc, Stephane Mallat

Single View Metrology
Antonio Criminisi, Ian Reid, Andrew Zisserman *

Multiway Cut for Stereo and Motion with Slanted Surfaces
Stan Birchfield and Carlo Tomasi

Estimation of Structure and Motion Parameters for a Roaming Robot that Scans the Space
Minoru Etoh, Tosimi Aoki, Koici Hata

Efficient Recovery of Low-Dimensional Structure from High-Dimensional Data
Shyjan Mahamud, Martial Hebert

Classification of human body motion
Jens Rittscher and Andrew Blake

Bayesian Structure from Motion
D.A. Forsyth S. Ioffe J. Haddon

Geodesic Active Regions for Motion Estimation and Tracking
Nikos Paragios  and Rachid Deriche

3D Articulated Models and Multi-View Tracking with Silhouettes
Quentin Delamarre, Olivier Faugeras

Fast and Accurate Self—Calibration
John Oliensis

Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
Yi Ma, Stefano Soatto, Jana Kosecka and Shankar Sastry

Estimation of Diffuse and Specular Appearance
Stephen Lin  and Sang W. Lee

United Snakes
Jianming Liang, Tim McInerney, and Demetri Terzopoulos

Modeling Bayesian Estimation for Deformable Contours
Stan Z. Li, Juwei Lu

A Cluster-Based Statistical Model for Object Detection
Thomas D. Rikert, Michael J. Jones, Paul Viola

A Bidirectional Matching Algorithm for Deformable Pattern Detection with Application to Handwritten Word Retrieval
Kwok-Wai Cheung, Dit-Yan Yeung, Roland T. Chin

Principal Manifolds and Bayesian Subspaces for Visual Recognition
Baback Moghaddam

Projective Alignment with Regions
Ronen Basri, David W. Jacobs

Learning Visual Landmarks for Tracking and Pose Estimation
Robert Sim, Gregory Dudek

Direction Diffusion
Bei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, and Vicent Caselles

View Synthesis and 3D Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Scenes
Bjorn Johansson

Zoom-Invariant Tracking using Points and Lines in Affine Views - an application of the affine multifocal tensors
E. Hayman, T. Thórhallsson, D. Murray

Posture Estimation Using Structure and Motion Models
Yoshio IWAI, Kenichi OGAKI, Masahiko YACHIDA

Modeling The Process of Ageing in Face Images
Andreas Lanitis, Chris J. Taylor, Timothy F. Cootes

Recognition of Temporal Structures: Learning Prior and Propagating Observation Augmented Densities via Hidden Markov States
Shaogang Gong, Michael Walter, Alexandra Psarrou

Fluid motion recovery by coupling dense and parametric motion fields
Etienne Memin and Patrick Perez

About the Self-calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera: Theory and Practice
Yongduek Seo and Ki Sang Hong

The Visual Hull of Curved Objects
Aldo Laurentini

On the Local Form and Transitions of Symmetry Sets, Medial Axes, and Shocks
Peter J. Giblin, Benjamin B. Kimia

The Recovery of Object Shape and Camera Motion Using a Sensing System with a Video Camera and a Gyro Sensor
Toshiharu Mukai, Noboru Ohnishi

Photometric Surface Analysis in a Tri-Luminal Environment
Elli V. Angelopoulou, James P. Williams

Critical Motions and Ambiguous Euclidean Reconstructions in Auto-Calibration
Fredrik Kahl

A simple and efficient rectification method for general motion
Marc Pollefeys, Reinhard Koch, Luc Van Gool

Calibration of Hand-held Camera Sequences for Plenoptic Modeling
Reinhard Koch, Marc Pollefeys, Benno Heigl, Luc Van Gool, Heinrich Niemann

Representation Issues in the ML Estimation of Camera Motion
Joachim Hornegger, Carlo Tomasi

Flexible Camera Calibration By Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientations
Zhengyou Zhang

Three-Dimensional Scene Flow
Sundar Vedula, Simon Baker, Peter Rander, Robert Collins, Takeo Kanade

Removal of Translation Bias when using Subspace Methods
W. James MacLean

Prediction Error as a Quality Metric for Motion and Stereo
Richard Szeliski

Colour by Correlation: A Simple Unifying Approach to Colour Constancy
G.D. Finlayson, S.D. Hordley, P.M. Hubel

Manhattan World: Compass Direction from a Single Image by Bayesian Inference
James M. Coughlan and A. L. Yuille

Unsupervised Image Classification with a Hierarchical EM Algorithm
Annabelle Chardin, Patrick Perez

Cluster-Based Segmentation of Natural Scenes
Eric J Pauwels, Greet Frederix

Independent Component Analysis of Textures
Roberto Manduchi, Javier Portilla

Utilizing Scatter for Pixel Subspace Selection
Haim Schweitzer

Sensitivity Analysis for Object Recognition from Large Structural Libraries
Benoit Huet and Edwin R. Hancock

A Pattern Classification Approach to Dynamical Object Detection
Constantine Papageorgiou, Tomaso Poggio

 Semantic Organization of Scenes using Discriminant Structural Templates
Antonio B. Torralba, Aude Oliva