The General rules for CVPR are:
- Held every year (except ICCV in North America)
- The program consists of high quality contributed papers on all
aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition. Original
(previously unpublished) manuscripts on a number of topics
are solicited.
- Location decisions made 2 years in advance at CVPR/ICCV,
by a vote of those present at the PAMI-TC meeting, generally held
the first evening of the annual meeting.
- CVPR be held in the second half of June.
(due to conflicts with schools on the quarter system).
This was proposed and accepted with no negative votes in 1991, after
3 early June meetings.
- Blind reviews. Three reviewers (sometimes only two have been used)
The number of reviews may be an issue, more reviews tend to get more
negative reviews for "revolutionary" papers and more middle results.
- The program committee (or a large subset -- the area chair concept)
should meet to make the decisions.
- Parallel Sessions, at least 2, but no more than 3.
- Invited speakers should be associated with the community in
some way, but not currently in the computer vision research community.
Maintained by Keith Price,
Last updated: June 29, 1998