Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the technical
areas listed under the Program.
note that the official CVPR policy does not allow dual submissions to other
conferences. If such submissions are discovered, papers will be removed
from CVPR even though they have been accepted. Paper submission
consists of both paper and on-line submission actions:
- On-line submission: To ensure proper handling of your paper
and to facilitate the review process, we request that the title of the
submission, the name and contact information of the primary author, and
a short abstract (not longer than 300 words in plain text format) be submitted
electronically on the WWW. Click here for the
on-line submission page. The electronic submission
generates a paper number which you must put on all copies of your paper.
- Paper submission: A complete paper, not longer than seven pages including figures and references,
should be submitted in camera-ready IEEE 2-column format of single-spaced
text in 10 point Times Roman (or closely resembling), with 12 point interline
space. A paper should not include any information which allows the authors
to be identified. The format instructions are further detailed here. Send five
copies of the paper and a cover sheet stating the (1) paper title, (2)
authors, (2) technical area(s), (3) the paper number as generated by the
on-line submission, (4) contact author's name, address, telephone number,
fax number, and electronic address to:
Program Chair
The submission page limit has been relaxed to a MAXIMUM OF 7 PAGES in
the approved
CVPR camera-ready page format, However,
camera-ready copies of accepted papers are limited to 6 proceedings pages
free of charge. Authors may purchase a maximum of 1 additional
proceedings page at a cost of $200 per page. Unless the reviews recommend
shortening, the published copy of an accepted paper should NOT be a significantly
shortened version of the reviewed manuscript. Therefore, it is understood
that authors electing to submit seven-page papers intend to purchase at
least one extra page in the proceedings should their submissions be accepted.
A LaTeX style
file is available to assist authors in conforming to the IEEE standard.
A Microsoft Word Style File is also now
being made available to CVPR authors. The Word Style File was prepared
by the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science and this is the first time
our community has used it. If you use the Word Style File, please double
check that your manuscript conforms to the
CVPR camera-ready page format and inform us if any problems are found
with the style file.
- Video-clip submission (optional):
A FTP facility,,
has been established for authors to upload movie clips in support of their
submissions for review purposes. Submitted papers should refer in the text
to supporting movies as "Movie 1", etc. Authors should name the
associated movie files that they upload to the FTP site using the convention
"nnn-1.ext", etc., where "nnn" identifies the submission
number assigned to the paper when an author registers the submission online
at the CVPR'99 WWW site and "ext" is a standard movie file format
extension (e.g., mpg, mpeg, avi, mov). Uploaded files not adhering
to this convention will be deleted. Access the FTP site in the usual way,
Name: cvpr99dl
Password: <SEND E-MAIL TO
ftp> binary
ftp> put <FILENAME>
Note that it is crucial to employ "binary" transfer and that
the incoming/ directory is write-only. The FTP site will be closed to incoming
transfers on 12/03/97 and the contents will subsequently be made accessible
to reviewers via the WWW. Disclaimer: While reviewers are encouraged to
view all movie files supporting a submission, there can be no guarantee
that they will do so.
Deadline for both paper and on-line submissions:
MST, December 2nd, 1998