Budgeting for a conference

See IEEE CS Conference Information Page for the spreadsheets for the budgeting process. (Called a TMRF -- Technical Meeting Request Form). Based on past meetings, a gross level budget is:
Major Items in the budget. Mostly those that are fixed.
Budget Category Approximate numbers How these are generated
Advertizing -- Call for papers $5000 This is computed from general costs, printing, mailing.
Advertizing -- Advance Program $5000 Essentially the same as the Call for papers. Generally the same mailing list
Committee Expenses $2500 Phone, secretary and the like
$4000 Postage. It costs a lot to mail papers for review, expecially if there is international participation in reviews.
$15000 Committee Travel -- it is important to have most (all) of the program committee attend the meeting to decide on the papers. This runs into 20-25 people and is a major cost.
Operating Expenses $7000 Registration costs. Computed from other fields in the spreas sheet.
$4000 Invited Speaker costs
$15000 Proceeding printing. This is computed based on pages.
Other Items in the budget that vary more by numbers attending.
Budget Category Approximate numbers How these are generated
Meeting Expenses $4000 A/V Expenses. Universities are less. Hotels are a lot more.
$3000 Shipping, signs, etc.
$5000 Meeting space rental and such. Universities usually charge, hotels usually give it for some number of sleeping rooms.
Social Costs $18000 Banquet. Non-student attendence times some banquet cost.
$15000 Reception. Everyone. Should really be less than this.
$6000 Breaks -- Morning. Consider 2 breaks -- breakfast and mid morning, this would be higher. Universities are a lot less. Hotels are very expensive. ($7.50 per person)
$6000 Afternoon Break.
In addition to these numbers there is the 14% charge that the computer society imposes and the 10% contingency (to protect against random events). Note that these are not imposed on the social costs. And you should target a 10% surplus.
Maintained by
Keith Price, price@usc.edu.
Last updated: May 26, 1998