The following comes from the CS Press Instructions (which can be updated since I copied them).

CS Press Formats

The standard format is the IEEE CS-Press format. Here is the usual message. There may be some parts of this that do not apply to submissions -- author name, etc., but the important part is the format of the page -- size, fonts, etc.:
Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper for 
publication. Please follow the steps outlined below 
when submitting your final paper to the IEEE Computer 
Society Press:
(2) PRINTING YOUR PAPER. (For hard-copy.) Print your properly formatted text 
on high-quality, 8.5 x 11-inch white printer paper (A4 size 
is also acceptable).
All printed material, including text, illustrations, and 
charts, must be kept within a print area 6-7/8 inches 
(approx. 17.5 cm) wide by 8-7/8 inches (approx. 22.5 cm) 
high. Number your pages lightly in pencil on the back of 
each page. 
(3) PAGE AND COLUMN LAYOUT. Start the first page in a 
one-column format. Center your title about 3 lines down 
from the normal top of the print area. Follow the title 
with two blank lines. The author name(s) and affiliation(s) 
are next, centered beneath the title and followed by two 
blank lines.
Your Abstract and the remainder of the paper are to be in 
a two-column format (except for figures or tables that may 
span both columns, if necessary). If the last page is not 
filled, please divide the data into two equal columns.
Columns in the two-column format are to be 3-1/4 inches 
wide (approx. 8.5 cm), with a 3/8-inch (approx. 1.0 cm) 
space between columns, for a total print area width of 6-7/8 
inches (approx. 17.5 cm). The length of the print area of 
any page must not exceed 8-7/8 inches (approx. 22.5 cm).
(4) TYPE STYLE AND SIZE OF TEXT. Normal text is to be 
single-spaced in 10-point Times or Times Roman (or similar 
font), with 12-point interline spacing, in the two-column 
format. The first line of each paragraph is to be indented 
approximately 1/4 inch (approx. 0.7 cm), and the entire
text is to be justified -- that is, flush left and flush
right. Please do not place additional line spacing between
paragraphs. Figure and table captions should be Helvetica
10-point boldface; callouts should be Helvetica 9-point 
(5) ABSTRACTS. The Abstract should be approximately 150 
words or fewer, italicized, in 10-point Times (or Times 
Roman.) Please leave two spaces between the Abstract and 
the heading of your first section.
(6) TITLE AND HEADINGS. The main title should be in Times 
(or Times Roman) 14-point boldface centered over both 
columns. In the main title, please initially capitalize 
nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not 
capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, and 
prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word). 
Initially capitalize only the first word in first-, 
second-, and third-order headings. Leave two blank lines 
before author names(s)/affiliation(s).
AUTHOR NAME(S)/AFFILIATION(S) are to be centered in Times 
(or Times Roman) 12-point nonboldface. Leave two blank 
lines before your Abstract.
ABSTRACT HEADING. The abstract heading is to be 11-point 
boldface, initially capitalized and centered within the 
FIRST-ORDER HEADINGS. First-order headings (for example, 
1: Introduction) are to be Times 12-point boldface, flush 
left, with one blank line before, and one blank line after.
SECOND-ORDER HEADINGS. Second-order headings (for example, 
1.1: Database elements) are to be Times 11-point boldface, 
flush left, with one blank line before, and one after. If 
you require a third-order heading (we discourage it), then 
it is to be in Times 10-point boldface, preceded by one 
blank line, and followed by a period and text on same line.
Illustrations, graphs, and photographs may fit across both 
columns, if necessary. Your artwork must be in place in the 
article.  If you are printing a hard copy, use rubber cement to 
affix the artwork in place.
Although halftones can be shot from color prints, black and 
white photos are preferable. Please supply the best quality 
photographs and illustrations possible. The quality of the 
book cannot be better than the originals provided.
(8) USE OF TAPE. (For hard copy.) Do not place cellophane 
tape over any part of your text or graphics. (Cellophane tape 
may distort or obliterate what it covers, and it retains 
fingerprints and dirt smudges.)
(9) COLOR. The use of color on interior pages (that is, 
pages other than the cover) is prohibitively expensive. 
Consequently, we publish interior pages in color only when 
it is specifically requested and budgeted for by the 
conference organizers. If these proceedings are going 
to have color photos, you must provide a clearly marked 
slide with its corresponding plate number, your name, and 
the position of the slide (if there is more than one). You 
also need to identify the right side and the top of the 
slide. Please make a Xerox copy (or photocopy) of each 
photo (or a small, rough sketch) and attach it with rubber 
cement to show the intended size and location. Color photos 
are sent to a color separator before going to the printer, 
so it is essential that we have this information to ensure 
the correct display of your color graphics.
(10) FOOTNOTES. Use footnotes sparingly and place them at 
the bottom of the column in which they are referenced (not 
full width across two columns). Use Times 8-point type with 
10-point interline spacing for footnotes. To help readers, 
avoid footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral 
observations in your text (within parentheses, if you prefer, 
as in this sentence).
(11) REFERENCES. List and number all bibliographical 
references at the end of your paper in 9-point Times, 
with 10-point interline spacing. When referenced within 
the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, 
for example [1].
(12) COPYRIGHT FORMS. You must include your signed IEEE 
copyright release form when you submit your finished 
paper. We must have this form before your paper can be 
published in the proceedings.
Questions not answered in these guidelines may be 
directed to an IEEE Computer Society Press production 
editor at: Phone (714) 821-8380, or Fax (714) 761-1784.

Maintained by
Keith Price,
Last updated: June 12, 1998.