Thank you for  considering having the IEEE Computer Society produce your 
     conference proceedings. In order to advance the process, here is a 
     detailed quotation in the form of a pro-forma invoice. Please look it over 
     at your convenience. It contains pricing and scheduling for 500 copies, 
     1100 pages, soft-cover, 8.5 X 11, plus shipping.
     If you decide to accept our quotation, please let me know by return 
     e-mail. I will have have a formal agreement sent to you for signature and 
     have the project assigned to an editor. 
     Please review the production schedule below. The dates are based on the 
     conference dates you supplied.
     Also, I direct your attention to the statement below: "The statement below 
     covers all costs for your proceedings. Cost is a function of total page 
     count; an increase in page count (or a decrease in print run) will increase 
     the unit cost" and "This estimate is based on page count and print run. 
     Please check with me for a new estimate if it changes by 10 percent or 
     more." Thanks.
     Deborah Plummer
     Proceedings Supervisor
     CS Press activities to manage and produce your proceedings include
     (1) Provide complete author kits to your designated representatives, or    
     mail those kits to the author whose papers you have accepted;
     (2) Receive and check all camera-ready papers (directly from the authors or 
     via designated chairpersons;
     (3) Provide full communication and assistance to authors throughout;
     (4) Provide an additional 10 percent of your original order (up to a       
     maximum of 100 copies) at the original cost (valid for a time period of not 
     more than 30 days after conference date;
     (5) Obtain all required copyright, Library of Congress, ISBN/ISSN, and   
     other bibliographical registration details;
     (6) Design and prepare covers, title pages, copyright pages, contents,    
     author indices, introductions or forewords, and section headings;
     (7) Paginate book and affix individual copyright notices if needed;
     (8) Manage all printing, typography, binding, and shipping arrangements for 
     on-time arrival at the conference site;
     (9) Market and promote to more than 100,000 IEEE Computer Society members  
     worldwide, university and technical libraries, major technical          
     booksellers and wholesalers, and keep the proceedings in stock for as   
     long as reasonable demands exists;
     We will format your proceedings according to IEEE CS Press standards. We 
     usually send author kits at least three months prior to the date of the 
     conference, and require that the camera-ready papers in POSTSCRIPT format 
     arrive at Press two months prior to the conference. (There will be a $10.00 
     per page scanning fee charged for hard copy papers.)
     The statement below covers all costs for your proceedings. Cost is 
     prorational to page count; an increase in page count (or a decrease in 
     print run) will increase the unit cost. All costs, including shipping, will 
     be prepaid by us and subsequently billed to you.
     This estimate is based on page count and print run. Please check with me 
     for a new estimate if it changes by 10 percent or more. Please note: The 
     first 10 halftones in the proceedings are included in the unit price 
     listed below. There will be an additional charge for halftones of $10.00 
     each above this number.
     MEETING:                   CVPR'98
     DATE/LOCATION:             23-25 June 1998/Santa Barbara, CA 
     NO. COPIES:                500 
     NO. PAGES                  1100
     UNIT PRICE:                $29.22 US dollars
     TOTAL PRICE:               $14,610.00 US dollars + shipping charges
     Production schedule
     (1) Author e-mail address list due to CS Press     12 March 1998
     (2) IEEE CS Press e-mails author kits              13 March 1998
     (3) Preliminary preface/program/table              18 March 1998  
      of contents due to production editor in
      electronic format
     [plain text via e-mail greatly preferred]          
     (4) Cover art due from chair [if applicable]       18 March 1998
     (5) Camera-ready papers due to CS Press in 
        POSTSCRIPT                                      8 April 1998
     (6) Final chair approval of text/cover art         24 April 1998
     (7) IEEE CS Press editor sends book to press       1 May 1998
     (8) Books ship to conference                       5 June 1998
     (9) Conference receives books                      18 June 1998