Program Committee

Formation of the Committee

Enough people should be chosen to cover the review needs. CVPR has been using a multi-level committee with "Area Chairs" (who might be viewed as the old fashioned Program Committee) and the 100+ members of the program committee who are responsible for reviewing the papers. The Area Chairs then meet to make the decisions.

Program Committee (or Area Chairs) Meeting

This meeting is used to decide on the content of the conference. The general format used at CVPR99 was: Things that make it go well:

Blind Reviews

After the Meeting

After the meeting, review the results to make sure everything is settled. At the end of the meeting you should have time to discuss overall program issues -- how to arrange papers, etc. As soon as possible, inform the authors of the decision, then prepare the information for CS-Press. With the online system, authors rarely remember their exact login name and password so that the notification should provide that information to the author of record. This can save a lot of time.

Maintained by
Keith Price,
Last updated: Tue Jun 1 1999