Conference Steering Committee


To examine proposals for TC-sponsored conferences and workshops, and advise the proposers and the TC Chair about their suitability and completeness. It is understood that a proposal for a CVPR or ICCV conference should be reviewed by the Conferences Committee before it is presented at a PAMI TC meeting whenever possible.

To participate in planning discussions for TC-sponsored conferences and workshops, and advise the organizers and the TC Chair on making realistic plans, establishing the necessary resources, and resolving problems that may arise.

To solicit sites and organizers for future TC-sponsored conferences and workshops, as may be required by the TC Chair.

To work with the organizers of other conferences and workshops in which the PAMI TC community has an interest.


The committee will consist of the Chair and Vice Chair of the PAMI TC serving ex officio, and six additional members serving approximately three years each. Once in the latter half of each calendar year, the TC Chair will appoint two new members from among the eligible candidates. At that time, the two longest-serving appointed members will retire from the committee, and the TC Chair and Conference Committee Chair will determine a new Conference Committee Chair.

It is understood that one of the two new members each year should have served as General Chair of an ICCV or CVPR conference in the past twelve months; and the other should have had some role on the Organizing Committee for such a conference.


Because the PAMI TC is the official US representative organization to the IAPR, all IAPR-sponsored events are also to be considered co-sponsored by the PAMI TC. Inasmuch as the PAMI TC has a role in proposing or administering such events, the Conferences Committee should carry out its advisory role.

Current Members

The initial members of the Conferences Committee will be chosen from those who would have been eligible in the past three years, and the TC Chair will designate the first Conference Committee Chair.

Maintained by
Keith Price,
Last updated: 5-Sep-02