\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{debulletin}[2002/04/01 Data Engineering Bulletin package] % \RequirePackage{epsfig} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% INTRODUCTION %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This is a LaTeX package for the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on % Data Engineering. It is intended to be used with the article document % class at 11pt, but it can probably be used with report and book classes % and other font sizes as well. % The expected format of the bulletin is % % 1. A cover. This includes: % - a front cover page with the title, date, volume, and number of % the issue, and with the table of contents % - an inside cover page giving the names of the editors and committee % members, and other information % - an inside back cover that is blank % - a back cover that is blank, except for the IEEE mailing address and % the postage permit just below the fold half way down the page. % 2. A few miscellaneous columns, probably from the editor of the special % issue and an overview of the area covered by the special issue. % 3. A few letters to the editor. % 4. The contributed articles % 5. A few calls for papers for coming conference. % % An example of how such an issue is as follows. % Note that there are several formatting paramters, and they are described % at the end of this file. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \documentclass[11pt]{article} % \usepackage{debulletin} % \begin{document} % % \bulletindate{March 2002} % \bulletinvolume{1} % \bulletinnumber{1} % \bulletinyear{2002} % \begin{bulletin} % % % % % Introductory columns. In table of contents, we want a heading % % ``Introduction'' followed by subheadings (that is, table of contents % % subentries) for each of the two columns. Inside the bulletin, we % % want each column preceded by a heading giving the title of the column. % % % \tocheading{Introduction} % % \heading{A letter from the Editor} % \tocsubentry{A letter from the Editor}{I. M. Editor} % \input{editorletter} % % \heading{Easy-to-use Databases: a Tutorial} % \tocsubentry{Easy-to-use Databases: a Tutorial}{I. M. Expert} % \input{tutorial} % % % % % Letters to the editor section. Use the lettersection environment. % % Each letter is contained in a letter environment, where the two required % % options to \begin{letter} are the author and the address of the author. % % % \begin{lettersection} % % \begin{letter}{My database is better than yours}{D. B. Hacker}% % {Hacker, Inc. \\ Cambridge, MA} % \input{dbhacker} % \end{letter} % % \begin{letter}{No it isn't}{Betty D. Hacker}{Betty, Inc. \\ Palo Alto, CA} % \input{bdhacker} % \end{letter} % % \end{lettersection} % % % % % Contributed articles section. Use the articlesection environment. % % The argument to the articlesection command is TOPIC, where the name % % of the special issue is supposed to be ``Special Issue on TOPIC''. % % Each article is contained in an article environment, where the two % % required options to \begin{article} are the title and author of % % the article. % % % \begin{articlesection}{Easy-to-Use Databases} % % \begin{article}{Easy Data Entry}{David Crowbar} % \input{crowbar} % \end{article} % % \begin{article}{Data Security made Simple}{General Confusion} % \input{confusion} % \end{article} % % \end{articlesection} % % % % % Calls for papers section. Use the callsection environment. % % Each call for papers is contained in an call environment, where the single % % required options to \begin{call} is the name of the conference. % % % \begin{callsection} % \begin{call}{DB Conference A} % \input{dba} % \end{call} % % \begin{call}{DB Conference B} % \input{dbb} % \end{call} % \end{callsection} % % \end{bulletin} % \end{document} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The bulletin environment. % % The bulletin environment generates the covers. The two sides of the % front cover are generated by \begin{bulletin}, and the two sides of % the back cover are generated by \end{bulletin}. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newenvironment{bulletin}% {\@MakeCoverOne\@MakeCoverTwo}% {\cleardoublepage \@MakeCoverThree\@MakeCoverFour } % % The outside front cover % \newcommand{\@MakeCoverOne}{ \begingroup \@SetCoverDimensions \begin{titlepage} \thispagestyle{empty} \vbox{}\vskip .5in \textbf{\Large Bulletin of the Technical Committee on} \par\bigskip \textbf{\@namefontsize Data} \par\medskip \textbf{\@namefontsize Engineering} \par\bigskip \textbf{\Large \@BulletinDate \quad Vol. \@BulletinVolume{} No. \@BulletinNumber \hfill \@includeIEEElogo IEEE Computer Society} \par\bigskip \hrule \par % \bigskip \tableofcontents \vfil \end{titlepage} \endgroup } \newcommand{\@BulletinDate}{June 2018} \newcommand{\@BulletinNumber}{2} \newcommand{\@BulletinVolume}{41} \newcommand{\@BulletinYear}{2018} \newcommand{\bulletindate}[1]{\renewcommand{\@BulletinDate}{#1}} \newcommand{\bulletinnumber}[1]{\renewcommand{\@BulletinNumber}{#1}} \newcommand{\bulletinvolume}[1]{\renewcommand{\@BulletinVolume}{#1}} \newcommand{\bulletinyear}[1]{\renewcommand{\@BulletinYear}{#1}} % % The inside front cover % \newcommand{\@MakeCoverTwo}{ \begingroup \@SetCoverDimensions \@includeinsidefront \endgroup } % % The inside back cover % \newcommand{\@MakeCoverThree}{ \begingroup \@SetCoverDimensions \@includeinsideback \endgroup } % % The outside back cover % \newcommand{\@MakeCoverFour}{ \begingroup \@SetCoverDimensions \begin{titlepage} \thispagestyle{empty} \vbox{}\vskip .5\coverheight \hbox to \hsize{\@PrintIEEEAddress \hfill \@PrintPostagePermit} \vfil \end{titlepage} \endgroup } \newcommand{\@PrintIEEEAddress}{\hbox to 0pt{\vbox{\@IEEEAddress}\hss}} \newcommand{\@PrintPostagePermit}{\hbox to 0pt{\hss\framebox{\hbox to 1.25in {\hss\vbox to 1.25in{\hsize 1.25in \center \vss \@PostagePermit \vss}}}}} \newcommand{\@IEEEAddress}{} \newcommand{\@PostagePermit}{} \newcommand{\IEEEAddress}[1]{\renewcommand{\@IEEEAddress}{#1}} \newcommand{\PostagePermit}[1]{\renewcommand{\@PostagePermit}{#1}} % % Compute cover layout dimentions % % Reset \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin, and \topmargin so that the covers % are centered on the physical page. % The height and width of the physical page are determined by % \physicalpageheight and \physicalpagewidth. % The height and width of text on the cover are determined by \coverheight % and \coverwidth. % \newcommand{\@SetCoverDimensions}{% \hsize \coverwidth \oddsidemargin \physicalpagewidth \advance \oddsidemargin by -\coverwidth \divide \oddsidemargin by 2% \advance \oddsidemargin by -1in% \evensidemargin \oddsidemargin % \vsize \coverheight \topmargin \physicalpageheight \advance \topmargin by -\coverheight \divide \topmargin by 2% \advance \topmargin by -\topskip \advance \topmargin by -\headheight \advance \topmargin by -\headsep \advance \topmargin by -1in% % \parindent 0pt% \parskip 0pt% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The letters section. % % The section is enclosed between \begin{lettersection} and \end{lettersection} % commands, and each letter is enclosed between % \begin{letter}{TITLE}{AUTHOR}{ADDRESS} and \end{letter} commands where % TITLE and AUTHOR are the title and author of the letter and ADDRESS is % the ADDRESS of the author (complete with \\ separating lines of the address % as usual). % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newenvironment{lettersection}% {\clearpage \tocskip{\bigskipamount} \tocheading{\strut Letters} \tocskip{\smallskipamount} \pageheading{Letters}{Letters} \thispagestyle{plain} }% {\clearpage} \newenvironment{letter}[3] {\newcommand{\lettertitle}{#1} \newcommand{\letterauthor}{#2} \newcommand{\letteraddress}{#3} \tocsubentry{\lettertitle}{\letterauthor} \heading{\lettertitle} \makeatletter \@RestoreMaketitle \@UndefinePreambleCommands \input{deauthor.sty} % read in the author style file \makeatother }% {\par\nobreak\vspace{\medskipamount}\noindent \vbox{\raggedleft\letterauthor\\\letteraddress\par}\vskip 1in} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Contributed articles section % % The section is enclosed between \begin{articlesection}{NAME} and % \end{articlesection} commands, and each article is enclosed between % \begin{article}{TITLE}{AUTHOR} and \end{article} commands where % TITLE and AUTHOR are the title and author of the article. % The expected mode of usage is that the article file paper.tex will simply % be \input'ed as in \begin{article}{TITLE}{AUTHOR}\input{paper}\end{article}. % The string NAME given in \begin{articlesection}{NAME} is the topic of % the special issue, and results in the title ``Special Issue on NAME'' % as the title for the article section on the cover page. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newenvironment{articlesection}[1]% {\clearpage \tocskip{\bigskipamount} \tocrule \tocheading{\strut Special Issue on #1} \tocrule \tocskip{\smallskipamount} }% {\clearpage} \newenvironment{article}[2] {\clearpage \newcommand{\articletitle}{#1} \newcommand{\articleauthor}{#2} \tocsubentry{\articletitle}{\articleauthor} \pageheading{\articleauthor}{\articletitle} \thispagestyle{plain} \makeatletter \@RestoreMaketitle \@UndefinePreambleCommands \input{deauthor.sty} % read in the author style file \makeatother }% {\clearpage} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Conference Notices % % The section is enclosed between \begin{callsection} and % \end{callssection} commands, and each call for papers is enclosed between % \begin{call}{NAME} and \end{call} commands where % NAME is the name of the conference. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newenvironment{callsection}% {\clearpage \tocskip{\bigskipamount} \tocheading{\strut Conference and Journal Notices} \tocskip{\smallskipamount} }% {\clearpage} \newenvironment{call}[1] {\clearpage \newcommand{\calltitle}{#1} \tocsubentry{\calltitle}{} \pageheading{\calltitle}{\calltitle} \thispagestyle{plain} \makeatletter \@RestoreMaketitle \@UndefinePreambleCommands \input{deauthor.sty} % read in the author style file \makeatother }% {\clearpage} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Special Sections % % This does nothing but insert a heading in the table of contents and a % heading in the text. This was requested, but I'm not sure what this % environment is going to be used for. This is basically just a % demonstration that sections parameterized by the section title are possible. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newenvironment{specialsection}[1]% {\clearpage \heading{#1} \tocskip{\bigskipamount} \tocheading{\strut #1} \tocskip{\smallskipamount} }% {\clearpage} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Table of Contents %% %% This is the hardest part of the style file. The following %% commands are used to generate the table of contents on the front %% cover. Most of the table of contents will be generated automatically %% by environments like the letter and article environments below, but %% the editor will want to insert some lines into the table of contents %% by hand. The following commands are provided: %% %% \tocrule: %% to generate a solid line to separate sections of the TOC %% \tocskip{SKIP}: %% to insert a vertical skip of SKIP as in \tocskip{1in} %% \tocheading{TITLE}: %% \tocsubheading{TITLE}: %% \tocsubsubheading{TITLE}: %% to generate a section heading in the TOC, and more generally to %% insert an arbitrary paragraph of text into the TOC. Subheadings %% and subsubheadings are indented by \tocindention. %% \tocentry{TITLE}{AUTHOR}: %% \tocsubentry{TITLE}{AUTHOR}: %% \tocsubsubentry{TITLE}{AUTHOR}: %% to generate an entry of the form ``AUTHOR .... TITLE page'' in the %% TOC for something like an article, etc, where page is the current %% page number. Again, subentries and subsubentries are indented. %% %% There are also some lower level commands used to implement these command, %% but an editor should never have to use them. %% %% ONE CAVEAT: The arguments to all these commands are moving %% arguments, so you must \protect fragile commands like \bigskip %% and \Large. (See \protect in the LaTeX book.) Use %% \tocheading{\protect\bigskip\protect\Huge Introduction} and not %% \tocheading{\bigskip\Huge Introduction} %% % % \tocrule generates a solid line across the table of contents, % useful for physically dividing the table of contents into sections % \newcommand{\tocrule}% {\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\smallskip\hrule\protect\smallskip}} % % \tocskip{SKIP} adds SKIP vertical space to the table of contents. % \newcommand{\tocskip}[1]{\addtocontents{toc}{\vskip #1}} % % \tocheading{TITLE} generates a table of contents section heading % TITLE without a page number, and \tocsubheading and \tocsubsubheading % are similar. It is intended to be used to generate headings for % sections in the table of contents, headings such as ``Letters to % the Editor'' or ``Contributed Articles'' or ``Calls for Papers''. % \newcommand{\tocheading}[1]{% \@TocWrite{0}{\@FormatTocHeading{\protect\textbf{\Large #1}}}} \newcommand{\tocsubheading}[1]{% \@TocWrite{1}{\@FormatTocHeading{\protect\large #1}}} \newcommand{\tocsubsubheading}[1]{% \@TocWrite{2}{\@FormatTocHeading{\normalsize #1}}} % % \tocentry{TITLE}{AUTHOR} generates a table of contents entry for % a contribution with TITLE and AUTHOR, either of which may be empty, % and a page number, and \tocsubentry and \tocsubsubentry are similar. % These commands are intended for use with \tocheading, etc., for structuring % the table of contents. For example, in an special issue the preface % letters from the journal editor and special issue editor might be % presented in an introduction section. The introduction toc heading % would be generated with \tocheading{Introduction}, and the toc entries for % the two letters would be generated by % \tocsubentry{Special Issue Greetings}{Editor S. Issue} and % \tocsubentry{My Thanks to Editor S. Issue}{Journal Editor}. % \newcommand{\tocentry}[2]{% \@TocWrite{0}{\@FormatTocEntry{#1}{#2}{\thepage}}} \newcommand{\tocsubentry}[2]{% \@TocWrite{1}{\@FormatTocEntry{#1}{#2}{\thepage}}} \newcommand{\tocsubsubentry}[2]{% \@TocWrite{2}{\@FormatTocEntry{#1}{#2}{\thepage}}} % % Now begin the low level commands that the editor should never have to use. % % % \@TocWrite{LEVEL}{LINE} writes to the table of contents a (typically % preformatted) entry LINE, after indenting the entry appropriately. % The LEVEL is an integer 0, 1, 2, ... and gives the number of times % that LINE should be indented by an amount given by \tocindention. % % This macro is tricky: it must indent all lines but the first by % \toclhindent on the left, and it must indent all lines but the last % by \tocrhindent on the left. For example, an entry for an article % with title TTT... and author AAA... and page number PPP must be typeset % like % % TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT % TTTTTTTTTTTT...................... % ........................AAAAAAAAAA PPP % \newcommand{\@TocWrite}[2]{% \addtocontents{toc}{\vbox{\strut\hbox to \hsize{% \hskip #1\tocindention \begingroup \advance \hsize by -#1\tocindention \hbox to \hsize{\vbox{% \leftskip \toclhindent \parindent -\toclhindent \rightskip \tocrhindent \parfillskip -\tocrhindent #2}}\endgroup}\strut}}} % % \@FormatTocEntry{TITLE}{AUTHOR}{PAGE} formats the TITLE, AUTHOR, and % PAGE number of what will be a table of contents entry or section heading, % and any of the arguments may be empty. This does not actually write % to the table of contents itself, and does not indent entries and section % headings appropriately. It is meant to be used with \outputtocentry. % The width given by \tocpagenumwidth is the width of the box in which % page numbers are typeset. % % This macro is tricky: it must compute on its own whether there is enough % space for both the title and author/page number on the same line. If % not, it must split the line between the title and the author/page % number. (See the example above under \@TocWrite.) % The basic idea comes from the TeXbook on page 106. The macro % works as long as the list of authors does not require more than two % complete lines of text to print (the title can be as long as you like). % When the macro breaks, the author/page number is not flush right on the % page. I don't understand linebreaking enough to debug this. % \newcommand{\@FormatTocEntry}[3]{% #1\unskip\nobreak\@DotFill\penalty50\@DotLeaders\hskip1em\nobreak \hbox{}\@DotFill{\it #2\/}\nobreak\hbox to\tocpagenumwidth{\hss #3}} \newcommand{\@DotLeaders}{\xleaders\hbox to .5em{\hss.\hss}} \newcommand{\@DotFill}{\@DotLeaders\hfill} % % \@FormatTocHeading{TITLE} formats the TITLE of what will be a tocheading. % \newcommand{\@FormatTocHeading}[1]{#1\hfil\hbox{}} % % Redefine \contentsname to null to avoid printing ``Contents'' on front % cover. This might not interact well with book and report classes. % \renewcommand{\tableofcontents}{\@starttoc{toc}} % % Set tocdepth so that the \section-like commands do not generate % Table of Contents entries. We set tocdepth to -2 since section % levels are usually defined to be -1, 0, 1, ... or 0, 1, 2, .... % \setcounter{tocdepth}{-2} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Headings %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % A heading in the bulletin is like a section in an article. % The commands \heading, \subheading, and \subsubheading generate headings % for the sections. Unlike the \section command in the normal % document styles, the \heading commands does not automatically % generate a line in the table of contents. You must do this % explicitly if you want one. % \newcommand{\heading}{\section*} \newcommand{\subheading}{\subsection*} \newcommand{\subsubheading}{\subsubsection*} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Pageheadings %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The running pageheadings printed at the top of every page consists % of some string printed on the bound edge of every page and a page % number on the outside edge of the page. The command % \pageheading{LEFTHEADING}{RIGHTHEADING} causes the heading of the % current and following pages to be set to LEFTHEADING on the left % hand pages and RIGHTHEADING on the right hand pages. % \newcommand{\pageheading}[2]{\markboth{#1}{#2}} % % At the moment, the \pageheadings command no visible effect since we % are using the plain page style which simply prints page numbers at % the bottom of the page. % \pagestyle{plain} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Commands for formatting sections of the journal %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Remember \maketitle definitions % % Each article (and possibly other things in the issue) will use the % \maketitle command. This command is only intended to be used once in % a document, so \maketitle has the side effect of undefining all the % commands like \title and \author so they can't be used a second time % after the \maketitle. We need to remember the definition of these % commands, and to restore them before each article or included file. % \global\let\saved@maketitle\maketitle \global\let\saved@thanks\thanks \global\let\saved@title\title \global\let\saved@author\author \global\let\saved@date\date \global\let\saved@and\and \global\let\saved@@maketitle\@maketitle \global\let\saved@@thanks\@thanks \global\let\saved@@title\@title \global\let\saved@@author\@author \global\let\saved@@date\@date \newcommand{\@RestoreMaketitle}{ \global\let\maketitle\saved@maketitle \global\let\thanks\saved@thanks \global\let\title\saved@title \global\let\author\saved@author \global\let\date\saved@date \global\let\and\saved@and \global\let\@maketitle\saved@@maketitle \global\let\@thanks\saved@@thanks \global\let\@title\saved@@title \global\let\@author\saved@@author \global\let\@date\saved@@date } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The letter, article, and call environments \input an author's file % that will use the \documentclass command and document environment. % The following command redefines these things to be nop, ignoring all % arguments and optional arguments. % \newcommand{\@UndefinePreambleCommands}{ \renewcommand{\NeedsTeXFormat}[1]{} \def\ProvidesPackage##1[##2]{} \renewcommand{\usepackage}[1]{} \renewcommand{\documentstyle}[2][]{} \renewcommand{\documentclass}[2][]{} \renewenvironment{document}[1][]{}{} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Commands used to include the IEEE logo and the inside front and %% back covers of the bulletin. The postscript inclusion commands use %% the epsfig package, which pays attention to the search path declared %% with the \graphicspath. The default value for epsfig is the current %% directory, but since some postscript files like the IEEE logo are %% going to be used over and over again with each issue, but you might %% want to create a special directory like /udir/editor/ps to hold them %% and use \graphicspath{{/udir/editor/ps/}}. Notice the double set of %% curly braces, and see the documentation for the graphics package for %% documentation of this command. %% %% \insidefrontcover{filename.ps} %% \insidebackcover{filename.ps} %% \insidefrontcover[title]{filename.ps} %% \insidebackcover[title]{filename.ps} %% %% Defines the name of the file containing the postscript for the inside %% front and back covers. If the file filename.ps for the inside back %% cover is not defined with \insidebackcover{filename.ps}, for example, %% then nothing is included for the inside back cover. If the optional %% argument title is given, then the title appears in the table of %% contents. %% %% \IEEElogo{filename.ps} %% %% Defines the name of the file containing the postscript for the IEEE logo. %% %% \singlePSpage{filename.ps} %% \evensinglePSpage{filename.ps} %% \oddsinglePSpage{filename.ps} %% %% These are commands that the editor will probably never need to use, %% but they are used to implement including the inside front and back %% covers, so they might be useful on some occasion for a call for papers %% or something. These commands assume that filename.ps contains %% postscript for a single page (like the inside front cover), and they %% insert this page in the LaTeX document. I expect most people will be %% happy using \singlePSpage, but since the margins on even and odd numbered %% pages may be different in some documents, I've included %% \evensinglePSpage and \oddsinglePSpage commands as well. %% \newcommand{\IEEElogo}[1]{% % \setbox\@IEEElogo\hbox{\epsfig{file=#1,height=.6in,clip=}}% \setbox\@IEEElogo\hbox{\includegraphics[height=.6in, bb= 0 0 620 560]{#1}}% } \newcommand{\@includeIEEElogo}{% \@IEEElogoht\ht\@IEEElogo \advance\@IEEElogoht by -.5\baselineskip \lower.5\@IEEElogoht\box\@IEEElogo\hskip .5em\relax } \newbox\@IEEElogo \newdimen\@IEEElogoht \newcommand{\insidefrontcover}[2][\relax]{% \ifx#1\relax\else \newcommand{\@insidefronttitle}{#1}% \fi % \newcommand{\@insidefrontcover}{\epsfig{file=#2}}% \newcommand{\@insidefrontcover}{\includegraphics{#2}}% } \newcommand{\insidebackcover}[2][\relax]{% \ifx#1\relax\else \newcommand{\@insidebacktitle}{#1}% \fi \newcommand{\@insidebackcover}{\includegraphics{#2}}% % \newcommand{\@insidebackcover}{\epsfig{file=#2}}% } \newbox\@insidefrontpagenumber \newbox\@insidebackpagenumber \setbox\@insidefrontpagenumber=\hbox{front cover} \setbox\@insidebackpagenumber=\hbox{back cover} \newcommand{\@includeinsidefront}{% \@ifundefined{@insidefrontcover}% {\begin{titlepage}\mbox{}\end{titlepage}}% {% \@ifundefined{@insidefronttitle}{}{% \addtocontents{toc}{\begingroup\tocpagenumwidth \wd\@insidefrontpagenumber\relax} \@TocWrite{1}{% \@FormatTocEntry{\@insidefronttitle}% {}% {\copy\@insidefrontpagenumber}% }% \addtocontents{toc}{\endgroup} } \c@page\z@% \evensinglePSpage{\@insidefrontcover}% }% } \newcommand{\@includeinsideback}{% \@ifundefined{@insidebackcover}% {\begin{titlepage}\mbox{}\end{titlepage}}% {% \@ifundefined{@insidebacktitle}{}{% \addtocontents{toc}{\begingroup\tocpagenumwidth \wd\@insidebackpagenumber\relax} \@TocWrite{1}{% \@FormatTocEntry{\@insidebacktitle}% {}% {\copy\@insidebackpagenumber}% }% \addtocontents{toc}{\endgroup} } \c@page\z@% \evensinglePSpage{\@insidebackcover}% }% } \newcommand{\singlePSpage}{\oddsinglePSpage} \newcommand{\evensinglePSpage}[1]{\@singlePSpage{#1}{\evensidemargin}} \newcommand{\oddsinglePSpage}[1]{\@singlePSpage{#1}{\oddsidemargin}} \newcommand{\@singlePSpage}[2]{% #1 is \espfig{file=...} command % #2 is value of [odd/even]sidemargin \newpage \thispagestyle{empty}% \vbox{}% \hrule width 0pt\relax% turn off hard to explain vertical space \vskip-\topskip \vskip-\topmargin \vskip-\headheight \vskip-\headsep \vskip-1in% correct for LaTeX's standard 1in top margin \hskip -#2% the value of [odd/even]sidemargin \hskip -1in% correct for LaTeX's standard 1in left margin \vbox to 0pt{% \hbox to 0pt{% #1% \hss }% \vss } \newpage } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Parameters: This describes the various formatting parameters %% available and defines the initial defaults. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% parameters for the covers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The physical dimensions of the sheet of paper on which the cover is printed % \newdimen\physicalpagewidth \physicalpagewidth 8.5in \newdimen\physicalpageheight \physicalpageheight 11in % % The dimensions of the area on the cover used for printing. % This area will be centered of the sheet of paper defined above % \newdimen\coverwidth \coverwidth 7.5in \newdimen\coverheight \coverheight 10in % % The font used to print the name ``Data Engineering'' on the front cover % \newcommand{\@namefontsize}{\fontsize{1.2in}{1.3in}\selectfont} % % The IEEE address and postage permit printed on the outside back cover. % \IEEEAddress{% IEEE Computer Society \\ 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle \\ Washington, D.C. 20036-1903} \PostagePermit{% Non-profit Org. \\ U.S. Postage \\ PAID \\ Los Alamitos, CA \\ Permit 1398} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% parameters for the table of contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Width of box in which the page numbers are printed % \newdimen\tocpagenumwidth \tocpagenumwidth 2em % % Width of the left and right indention of TOC entries. % \newdimen\toclhindent \toclhindent 2em \newdimen\tocrhindent \tocrhindent \tocpagenumwidth % % Amount to indent subentries and subsubentries in the TOC. % \newdimen\tocindention\tocindention 2em %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% parameters for running page headings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \pageheading{}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Place page formatting parameters (like page dimensions) here % These should match exactly what is given in deauthor.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \textheight 9.0in \textwidth 6.75in \oddsidemargin 0.0in \evensidemargin -0.25in \topmargin 0.0in \headheight 0.0in \headsep 0.0in %\footheight 0.0in \@twosidetrue % print on two sides of a page \endinput