IEEE Conference on E-Commerce

Advanced Registration Deadline is April 27, 2003 for Authors 
and May 25, 2003 for General Participants.

Please print this form and FAX or send the form with your payment to the address at the bottom of this form.

First Name:_______________________ Last Name:___________________________



City:_____________________________ State/Province:________________________

Country:_____________________________ Zip Code:_________________________

E-mail:______________________________ Phone: ___________________________

Fax:________________________________ IEEE member number:_______________

Conference registration fees: (Please check all that apply)
By May 25, 2003 After May 25, 2003
IEEE member $400______________ $480______________
Non-IEEE member $500______________ $600______________
Full-time student $300______________ $360______________
Tutorials (TBA) $50______________ $60______________

Extra Banquet Tickets _____ @ $50.00 ea = $ ___________ Vegetarian?_____
Add up your above charges, and enter the total due below, payable in US dollars. Payment can be made with Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Check (payable to IEEE CEC03) or Money Order. Please note that your credit card payment will be handled by "IEEE" for CEC03.
Total Due: US $ ________________

Payment Method: Check_____ Visa______ MasterCard______ American Express_______

Card Number: _____________________________ Exp Date (MM/YY): ________________

Name on card: ____________________________ Signature: ___________________________

FAX (or mail your form with check) to the following address:

Prof. Kwei-Jay Lin
Dept EECS, Univ. California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-2625
fax: +1-949-824-2321