2000 TC Annual Report

Technical Committee Name: Internet


Technical Committee Name: Internet
Chair: Please provide current name, address, phone, fax, and email address

Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal

            Computer & Information Science & Engineering Dept.

            Room 448 CSE Bldg.

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 32611-6120

(352) 392-6845 (office)

(352) 392-3238 (fax)




Vice Chair: Please provide current name, address, phone, fax, and email address of "First Vice-Chair" (a second contact is necessary in case the Chair is not reachable).

Arun Iyengar

IBM Research
T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Office: 914-784-6468, Fax: 914-784-7455

Executive Committee: Please, describe the administrative organization of the Technical Committee. Include name, address, phone, fax, and email address of each individual.

Sumi Helal, Chair.


Arun Iyengar, Vice Chair


Javed I. Khan, Newsletter editor/webmaster.

Department of Math and Computer Science
Kent State University

217 MSB, KSU, Kent, OH-44242, USA
FAX:(330)-672-7824, Phone: (330)-672-4004/217





Sandeep Gupta, Treasurer

Computer Science Department
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1873

Voice: (970) 491-7323, Fax: (970) 491-2466




Jim Isaak, Chair, Subcommittee on Standards.


Steve Chapin, Member-at-Large
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Syracuse University
Office: 2-179 CST
Office Phone: (315) 443-4457
E-mail: chapin@ecs.syr.edu


William S. Harbison, Member-at-Large.

Dr. William S. Harbison

Nortel Networks

Harlow Laboratories

London Road


Essex CM17 9NA


Tel:  +44 (0) 1279 403560

Fax: +44 (0) 1279 403930


Dejan Milojicic, Member-at-Large.

Hewlett-Packard Research Labs

c.f. TCOS


Golden G. Richard III, Member-at-Large.

Asst. Professor

Dept. of Computer Science

University of New Orleans

 Email: golden@cs.uno.edu

504-280-6045 (office)



Aristotel Tentov, Member-at-Large.

Assistant Professor

Computer Science Department


Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Karpos II bb, 91000 Skopje

Rep. of Macedonia

Tel: +389 91 363 566

Fax: +389 91 364 262


Arkady Zaslavsky, Member-at-large.

School of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Monash University,

900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East, Vic 3145

Room: C4.41

Melbourne, Australia

phone: (IDD + 61 3/Aus 03) 9903 2479    

fax: (IDD + 61 3/Aus 03) 9903 1071

email: A.Zaslavsky@Monash.edu.au



Fred Douglis, Past Chair

            AT&T Labs -- Research

            Shannon Laboratory, Room B137

            180 Park Ave, Bldg 103

            P.O. Box 971

            Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971

            973-360-8775 (office)

            973-360-7011 (fax)




YEAR END REPORT (for the previous year)
Please answer the following questions by identify the activities the TC conducted that benefited Computer Society members. Please differentiate between on-going and new projects.
Elections and Terms:
Provide the start and end date of your term as TC Chair, and when you expect to conduct your next election for Chair. If you are currently holding an election, please provide the expected term start of the new Chair.

Start date of your term as TC Chair: December 2000

End date of your term as TC Chair: December 2002


Communication: How did your TC communicate with its members in the past year, i.e., through newsletters, special correspondence from the chair or other officers, etc.

We communicate via a set of electronic mailing lists:

tci-{announce,discuss,exec}@computer.org, and we have a web site with current information.
Web Assets: Please describe your TC's use of the World Wide Web, and provide your URL. What were the new developments in 2000? Is your page linked to the Computer Society Web page? Please provide the contact person or Webmaster for your TC's page.


Web page is http://computer.org/tab/TCI/, which is linked into the CS pages.

Javed Khan’s contact info is above.


Meetings: How many TC meetings did your TC have this year, and over what venue (at conferences, teleconferences, video-conferences, etc.)?

We communicate via email only.

Conferences: How many conferences did your TC sponsor, co-sponsor, or cooperate with this year? Were there any new conferences or were any existing conferences discontinued? What was the estimated average attendance? Was your TC actively involved on any program committees, technical committees or steering committees of these conferences? What was the most successful conference and least successful? How many outstanding final reports are there for conferences held this year?

·        We sponsored the 2st Workshop on Internet Applications (WIAP2001).

·        We cosponsored the 20th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2000) with ComSoc.

·        We cosponsored the 3nd  IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA 2000) with TCOS.

·        We cosponsored The IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2000)

·        We cosponsored the First IEEE-TCI Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 01) with the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ).

We are not aware of any outstanding reports.  All of these conferences were moderately successful; WMCSA 2000 has been the most successful.

Publications: Did your TC sponsor any publications or host any special issues of a Computer Society magazine? 



Collaborative Efforts: Was your TC involved in any collaboration with other TCs, IEEE, groups, organizations, or initiatives?


We cosponsored a conference with TCOS, cosponsored a conference with CompSoc, and started a new conference cosponsored by the IPSJ.

Volunteers: Estimate how many active volunteers were involved with your TC in this year?


What mechanisms did you use for recruiting and training new volunteers? What was your volunteer turnover rate, i.e., how often did your volunteer leaders change (example: out of 15 key volunteers, half changed during the this year)? Is the change voluntary, or do you have scheduled election and appointment dates for revolving the volunteer leadership?

Minor changes. Appointments for the posts of Vice Chair and Treasurer.
Awards and Recognition:
Did your TC present any awards to its volunteers in 2000? Does your TC sponsor regular awards or student scholarships at particular conferences or meetings every year? If so, please specify those awards or scholarships, and the meetings where they are offered.

We funded students travel grants. Also, we nominated the past Chair for an IEEE service award in recognition of his role in founding this TC. Unfortunately, the nomination was not answered.
Member Database:
Did your TC conduct any member list update or cleanup efforts this year? Did you provide all updates you received to your member list to the Computer Society for updating the database?

No update.

TC Reviews: Did your TC participate in a formal or informal review by TAB?
Concerns: Describe problems or frustrations encountered as TC Chair.

Small budget does not help us start new activities within TCI.

Staff Assistance: What services did you request of Computer Society staff? What services would you like to receive from staff?

We obtained a lot of help in planning SAINT’2001.

FUTURE PLANS (for the coming year)
Please answer the following questions by identify the activities the TC shall conduct that will benefit Computer Society members. Please differentiate between on-going and new projects.
Communication: How will your TC communicate with its members in the coming year, i.e., through newsletters, special correspondence from the chair or other officers, etc.

Email and our web site.

Web Assets: How will your TC use of the Web?

Our web site contains pointers to conferences and other useful information, but is not updated very frequently. Hopefully by using the direct ftp method to upload updates to our pages directly, we shall improve the accuracy and usefulness of our web site. 

Conferences: How many conferences will your TC sponsor, co-sponsor, or cooperate with this year? Are there any new conferences or any existing conferences discontinued? Will your TC be actively involved on any program committees, technical committees or steering committees of these conferences?

·        We are co-sponsoring the 21th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2002) with ComSoc.

·        We are sponsoring the IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS-2001).

·        We are sponsoring the IEEE 5th International Conference on Mobile Agents (MA 2001)

·        We are cosponsoring the 4th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA’2002) with TCOS. Sumi Helal is on the steering committee.

·        We are cosponsoring the 2002 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT’2002) with the IPSJ.

Publications: Will your TC sponsor any publications or host any special issues of a Computer Society magazine?

We are considering this possibility for best papers coming out of SAINT and WIAPP.

Collaborative Efforts: Will your TC be involved in any collaboration with other TCs, IEEE, groups, organizations, or initiatives?

Conference co-sponsorships as detailed above.

New Activities, Opportunities, and Directions: What activities, opportunities or directions do you see as providing further viability and member benefit to your TC?

We would like IEEE CS to help us place free of charge ads in related magazines (Internet Computing and Computer) advertising TC Internet. This will help us increase the membership base. We are also asking for a budget that will allow us to send free copies of SAINT proceedings to active members of TCI. This should promote our TC and provide the incentie for others to join and become active.

Awards and Recognition:
Does your TC plan to present any awards to its volunteers? Will your TC sponsor any regular awards or student scholarships at conferences or meetings? Please specify those awards or scholarships and meetings.

We will continue to fund best student paper awards at our flagship conferences.

Meetings: How many TC meetings are planned for this year and over what venue (at conferences, teleconferences, video-conferences, etc.)? Please provide the dates, times, and locations.

We conduct TCI business via the web and email.

Membership and Volunteers: What mechanisms will you use to recruit and retain members and volunteers?

TC ads in relevant society magazines. Also, distributing SAINT proceedings as mentioned above.
Staff Assistance:What services would you like to receive from staff?

I would like to receive staff comments on submitted TMRF.