
Author FAQs

About Submitting Papers

  • Can we get my quota increased for the size of paper submission from 15 MB to something higher?
    • NO. We have set hard limits of 10MB (PDF Only) for paper submission and 30MB (PDF or ZIP only) for supplementary materials for submissions for review. As we are expecting around 2000 submissions, and as each reviewer is expected to review (on average) about 10 papers, we feel that larger file downloads (and uploads) will tax the system and abilities of reviewers to get to the papers fast enough.  Authors should consider adding hi-res images as supplementary material. See for guidelines for submitting supplementary material
  • How do I delete Supplementary Material from the CMT site?
    • We have just added a feature that allows authors to remove supplementary files. After you log in, in the “Author” console, you’ll notice “Upload/Delete File” at the end of the supplementary file name. Click on that, and in the page that appears, you can click on the “Delete” button to remove the supplementary file. (Please note that you will not be able to delete the supplementary file after the supplementary file deadline.)
  • Can we submit color images with our papers for review?

    • YES. Reviewers will get the exact pdf file of the paper you submitted, so they can see the color images on the screen.  Do be warned though that many reviews still like to read printed papers and not all have access to high-end color printers.  Please make sure to comment in the paper to request the reviewers to see the color online copy.
  • Do we need an abstract submitted by Nov 13, 2008 to be allowed to submit the final paper by Nov 20, 2008.
    • YES. For each paper, you must submit its title and abstract (plain text), and its subject areas by Nov 13, 2008 (5pm PST) first. After this deadline, you will not be allowed to create new submissions. After you submit the Title/Abstract, you will be assigned a Paper #. Please make sure to refer to that Paper # in the submitted paper.  This Paper # is used to identify the paper and allows anonymous reviewing. We will use the title/abstract/subject areas you specify to pre-plan reviewers for your paper, so please provide as detailed of an abstract (not too long though), appropriate title and subject areas.
  • What do you mean by “Abstract”?
    • Look at the example paper (egpaper_for_review.pdf). An abstract is a basic summary of the paper to be submitted that you will have in the beginning of the paper. It should summarize the basic concept of the paper, describe what is novel, and state the contributions.  The abstract length must not exceed 4000 characters.
  • Should the Abstract have pictures?
    • NO. The abstract is just plain text entered into the form box on the submission site.
  • Should the Abstract have author names and author affiliations.
    • NO. The abstract must be completely anonymous. Nothing identifying the authors or the affiliation of the authors or the institution where the research was conducted should be included.
  • How FIRM is the deadline of Nov 20, 2008 for CVPR 2009?
    • NO. Extensions will be given for CVPR 2009 Paper Deadline.  Please get your paper submitted by the time indicated on Nov 20, 2008.  You are allowed to add supplemental material a little later, but the paper must be in by the deadline OR it will not be reviewed.
  • What is CVPR 2009 policy on DUAL SUBMISSIONS?
    • Dual Submissions of ANY form are grounds for immediate rejection. By submitting a manuscript to CVPR, the authors guarantee that it has not been previously published (or accepted for publication) in substantially similar form. Furthermore, no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of this paper either is under review at the moment of submission or will be submitted during the CVPR 2009 review period (November 20, 2008 – March 2, 2009) to any of the following: another conference, a workshop, or a journal. The authors also attest that they did not submit substantially similar submissions to CVPR 2009. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection.
  • Does a departmental Technical Report with publication available online count as a prior publication and therefore ineligible to review and publication at IEEE CVPR 2009?
    • A Technical Report that is put up without any form for direct peer-review is NOT considered a publication. However, as online tech reports can be searched, it is highly likely that the anonymity of the authors will not be preserved as anyone can find the paper and see who were the authors. See our guidelines for Anonymous submissions of papers, as anonymity is crucial for CVPR 2009 reviews.
  • About Reviewing Process

    • Is the CVPR 2009 Review Process CONFIDENTIAL?
      • YES, CVPR 2009 Reviewing is considered confidential. All reviewers are required to keep every manuscript they review as confidential documents and not to share or distribute materials for any reason except to facilitate the reviewing of the submitted work and to remove destroy them after review. See the reviewer guidelines, (”Ethics for Reviewing Papers. 1. Protect Ideas”). Accepted papers will be published (with appropriate copyrights) with a date of around Jun 20, 2009. Please make sure to discuss this issue with your legal advisors as it pertains to public disclosure of the contents of the papers submitted.
    • Are CVPR 2009 Reviews Double BLIND or Single BLIND?
      • CVPR reviewing is Double BLIND, in that authors do not know the names of the area chair/reviewers of their papers, and area chairs/reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Please read Section 1.6 of the example paper egpaper_for_review.pdf for detailed instructions on how to preserve anonymity. Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g., titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines will lead to rejection without review.

      About Publications

      As the CVPR 2009 Proceedings are Electronic/Digital, why do we need to pay for extra pages on acceptance of our paper that is longer then the default 6 pages? What are these funds used for?

      • The default paper length for CVPR 2009 is 6 pages. If you submit an 8 page paper, you are increasing the work-load of the reviewers, and the cost of the reviewing and publication process. The extra page charges cover these additional costs (and effort).

      In preparing the camera-ready copy, I submitted my paper to the IEEE PDF eXpress check, which it failed.  I then submitted the example PDF from the CVPR 2009 Author Kit. This PDF also failed for the same reason. This is cited as: Error “Document contains Link annotations”. Should I ignore this error?

      • If it fails in any way, IEEE will reject it, so this error should not be ignored.  There are two primary sources of failure in validating a PDF file. The first is the use of non-embeddable fonts in figures.  Make sure that your paper uses embeddable fonts for the main text of the paper as well as the figures, figure captions, references, footnotes, etc. A second source of failure is the line in the Latex source file that includes the hyperref package.  If you are having difficulty, comment out this line (the egpaper_final.tex in the author kit has been updated to comment out this line).  This problem seems like it might be related to the second source of failure.  If you still have problems with PDF verification, you can request a manual conversion through the IEEE eXpress web site. This process usually requires 1-2 days.

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    53 Responses to “Author FAQs”

    1. Abu Asaduzzaman Says:

      How much is the registration fee for cvpr2009 Miami conference for a full paper (6 pages)? Thanks.

    2. David G. Stork Says:

      Where do I find the LaTex style sheets, sample papers, etc., for CVPR 2009?

    3. pc-chairs Says:

      To Abu: The registration fee has not been determined yet.

      To David: The info you seek can be found in the author guidelines page ( There is a link to it under “Submissions”.

    4. Peter Lustig Says:

      Good evening!
      I am a little bit confused about the two deadline - one for the abstract and the other one for paper submission. Let us assume, I would like to submit a paper. So, do I have to submit an abstract of this paper first (before the abstract deadline) and additionally the paper before the paper deadline? Or is it sufficient just to submit the paper till 20 November 2008? What is the literal intention of the abstract deadline? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    5. cvpr Says:

      In response to Peter Lustig:

      You have to submit an abstract of the paper by the abstract deadline. You then need to submit the paper by the paper deadline. It is *not* sufficient to skip the abstract deadline and submit a paper only for the paper deadline. The intention of the abstract deadline is primarily to get a count of expected papers before the paper deadline.

    6. HM Says:


      Would you please guide me what is the suitable format for abstract submission?

    7. Darryl Greig Says:

      (1) Where can I get the IEEE copyright release form mentioned in the example paper?
      (2) Where do I have to submit said form when completed?
      (3) Is the author / address format in the final submission fixed or can I change it to something more sensible for two authors from the same institution?

    8. cvpr Says:

      In response to Darryl:

      (2) This information will be provided pending your paper’s acceptance to CVPR. If your paper is accepted, an additional set of instructions for preparing your camera-ready paper will be sent to you. These instructions will include copyright form details.
      (3) You may change it to something more sensible but this detail is not important until camera-ready submission time pending acceptance.

    9. J M Says:

      With regards to supplemental material to the paper submission: is there any preferred video codec to use when submitting videos? i.e. divx vs. mpeg etc. Also, will it become clear from the submission process when and how to submit the supplemental material?

    10. cvpr Says:

      In response to J M:

      There is no official codec preference at this time. It will become clear from the submission process when and how to submit the supplemental material.

    11. Craig Says:

      Is it sufficient to submit just a Title, but not an Abstract, before the Abstract deadline?

    12. cvpr Says:

      In response to Craig:

      No, you must submit an abstract by the abstract deadline. A title is not sufficient.

    13. J.M. Says:

      For the Nov. 20 deadline, do we submit the paper in the review format, such as egpaper09_for_review.doc in the author kit? Or do we submit the paper in the final format?

    14. NGUYEN Tien Sy Says:

      I don’t know if the abstract in the paper could be differente from the abstract submit by the abstract deadline ( more longer or shorter ) ?. Thanks

    15. spzhang Says:

      Hi, when I perform abstract submission, I enter the title and abstract in corresponding textboxs. What is the meaning of “File upload”? I have entered the abstract in the textbox. What file do i need to upload?

    16. cvpr Says:

      In response to J.M.: Submit the paper in the review format for the Nov. 20 deadline.

      In response to NGUYEN Tien Sy: Your abstract can be different, but its content will be used to plan reviewer assignment so obviously the topic and details should be the same.

      In response to spzhang: You do not need to upload a file — the abstract text is what is needed for the abstract deadline.

    17. Thomas Says:

      To my understanding there are no printed proceedings anymore. For which purpose is the $100 overlength page charge for additional pages then? Who gets this money?

    18. hjzhu Says:

      Must I submit supplementary material?

    19. cvpr Says:

      In response to Thomas: Read our response to this question at the top of the FAQ list.

      In response to hjzhu: No, you are not required to do so, but supplemental materials usually assist the reviewer in understanding your paper. Therefore, it is a good idea to submit supplemental materials.

    20. Thomas Says:

      Are reviewers paid when they review an 8 page submission?

    21. Sam Says:

      After paper acceptance, are authors required to be at the main confrence ?

    22. Marc Says:

      We should submit the review copy of the paper just like “egpaper_for_review.pdf” in the Author Kit but not “egpaper_final.pdf”, shouldn’t we?


    23. Troy Says:

      Must the filename of the submitted PDF be the title of the paper? Thank you.

    24. cvpr Says:

      In response to Thomas: No.

      In response to Sam: Authors are not required to be at the conference but someone should present the paper.

      In response to Marc: Yes, the review version should be submitted for review.

      In Response to Troy: No, the filename does not need to be the title.

    25. cvpr Says:

      The following question was submitted and we are posting it for others to see:

      I have submitted an abstract to CVPR for a paper that presents and
      evaluates an open source library (which I wrote) that I believe is of
      interest to the CVPR community. As we are preparing the paper for
      submission, we realize that it is challenging to satisfy the
      double-blind requirements, as the library is available online (so the
      title alone makes it easy to identify me as an author). Furthermore,
      we would like the reviewers to have access to the code, and even if we
      submit the code as supplemental material, the code license, namespace
      identifiers, and other implemented elements are all rather easy
      pointers to the authors. The code would require major surgery to
      preserve anonymity.

      Q: How do I submit and preserve anonymity?

      CVPR Response:

      As long as the paper you are submitting is new and
      novel, not submitted or accepted elsewhere, and you do your best to keep the
      authors anonymous, I think you should be fine. We (and the reviewers)
      understand that sometimes it is hard to completely remain blind. Our
      suggestion would be submit the paper and submit all possible supplemental
      material to support your present work. Just do your best to keep the authors
      name and affiliation out, as much as possible.

    26. Sam Says:


      Can you please let me know if color images can be included for reviewing and for printing, or is there an extra charge for that? I assume CVPR allows for free color images. Also, are the reviewers requested/suggested to print the paper in Color before reading it, if necessary?


    27. cvpr Says:

      In response to Sam: Yes, color images can be included. There is no charge, of course. Also, you can assume reviewers will see your color images.

    28. Troy Says:

      I also have a question. Will the paper be reviewed in electronic version or in printed version? Because sometime only the color images in the paper can explain the author’s opinion.Thanks.

    29. Yong Li Says:

      How do I know if my paper violating the formatting rules?
      I think the system should send an email to validate about this.

    30. cvpr Says:

      In response to Troy: The reviewer can be expected to see your color images.

      In response to Yong Li: It is your responsibility to adhere to formatting guidelines. There is no automated validation.

    31. cvpr Says:

      In response to the following:

      Please can you clarify points about anonymization. If a non-anonymous version of a paper is already online as a technical report, in a database such as, will this prevent the paper being published at CVPR?

      As long as you do not cite the TR in the paper, and take all other measures within the paper to preserve anonymity, your paper will be reviewed properly (without immediate rejection as a typical anonymity violation would call for).

    32. J M Says:

      Hi, I am a bit confused about submitting videos as supplemental material. The website states that all supplemental video material should be submitted with a README file:

      “Also, please submit a README text file with each video specifying the exact codec used and a URL where it can be downloaded.”

      Are we not to submit a video as supplemental material but a URL instead? If submitting a URL, I feel that might compromise the anonymoty of the authors during the review as the URL will most likely include the name of the institution from which the author is from.

      Please advise.

    33. cvpr Says:

      In response to J M:

      The FAQ has been updated to be more specific:
      “CVPR encourages authors to submit videos using an MP4 codec such as DivX contained in an AVI. Also, please submit a README text file with each video specifying the exact codec used and a URL where the codec can be downloaded.”

      DO NOT SUBMIT SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL AS A URL. Submit a URL in a readme file that specifies where to download the codec.

    34. Lei Says:

      Hi, I want to have a look of my submission paper. But when I go to download or view my paper on the submission website through the pdf link, there is an error message. Is there a problem with my paper? Thanks.

    35. Christian Leistner Says:

      This is more a comment than a question. I think it would be benefitial for the community if you (cvpr organizers) could do two things: first, film the orals and put it on the web (similar to, e.g., icml conferences). second, introduce an online post-conference discussion forum where people are able to comment and discuss on papers.
      Regards, Christian

    36. cvpr Says:

      In response to Lei:
      Please try again. It should work.

      In response to Christian:
      Yes, you can submit binary code. Please include a README file with instructions for running the code with environment (OS, etc) specifications.

    37. M.H. Says:

      Can I submit results for an extra experiment in the supplemental material?

    38. cvpr Says:

      In response to M.H.:
      Additional experiments based on the actual algorithm reported in the paper, without any refinements /improvements to the algorithm/approach is fine.

    39. jade Says:

      I want to know the format of the initial review that I will receive at Feb. 6.
      Is there any initial decision such as accept, revision, or reject?
      Or does it contain only the technical comments of reviewers about the paper?
      It would be quite helpful to the authors if the initial review has the guide to make a decision to write a rebuttal or withdraw the submitted paper.

    40. cvpr Says:

      In response to jade:
      The answers to these questions are available on the reviewing page.

    41. Rob Says:

      In order to comment as an author to the review comments, can we upload a modified paper (with updates from the review)? Of are we only allowed to comment on the review-comment? Thanks!

    42. cvpr Says:

      In response to Rob:
      No, you cannot upload a modified paper.

    43. lei Says:

      Hi, I learnt from the submission website that the rebuttal should be limited within 4000 characters. Do that 4000 characters include spaces or not?

    44. ac-org Says:

      In response to lei:
      Yes, the 4000 characters includes spaces.

    45. Alex Says:

      Can we provide and discuss new results during the rebuttal? of course not including them in the paper…

    46. cvpr Says:

      In response to Alex:
      No. You may only make clarifications to reviewers misunderstandings (if any) and responses to questions in the review.

    47. lei Says:

      Hi, I have tried to upload the rebuttal statement. However, it always said exceeding the maximum length. I have computed the total characters(with spaces) in Word and it is within the limit. Can you help me to figure this out?

    48. lei Says:

      The problem has been solved. Thanks

    49. Francesco Says:

      Can I add details/experiments in the camera-ready version of the paper?

    50. cvpr Says:

      In response to Fracesco:

      No, you may not add any additional experiments to your camera ready.

    51. Florent Perronnin Says:

      When submitting the final version of the paper, one is supposed to ensure that the “pdf file successfully passed the IEEE PDF Express format check”. However, I could not find any information regarding on how to perform this check (e.g. a web site address). Many thanks in advance for your help.

    52. cvpr Says:

      In response to Florent Perronnin:
      All authors with accepted papers were emailed instructions for preparing camera-ready versions. The IEEE PDF Express format check portion of this email is:

      * Make sure your PDF file is IEEE compliant. If your file is noncompliant, it WILL NOT be shipped to IEEE for inclusion in Xplore, which means your paper will not be considered as published.
      * The easiest way to check for PDF compliance is to use the PDF eXpress web site (URL: Click on the link “New Users - Click Here” and fill in your information.
      You will need the Conference ID which is: cvpr09x
      * Follow the links at for information on the specific elements of PDF compliance. The most frequent cause of noncompliant files is the use of a custom font that is not embedded in the PDF file. You must ensure that all fonts in the document (including those in figure captions, tables, and figure bodies/legends) are embedded.

    53. HM Says:

      For camera ready submission, our PDF was not passed by IEEE PDF eXpress, but because of the deadline I submitted it. Now, the problem is solved by converting .eps to .png which reduces the quality of the images in the paper. Would you please guide me what should I do then? /Thanks

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