IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce


IEEE Conference on E-Commerce 

June 24-27 2003, Newport Beach, California, USA,

Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Electronic Commerce


Call For Papers

IEEE Conference on E-Commerce (CEC'03), formerly known as WECWIS (International Workshop on E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems), is an international forum for business and software engineering researchers to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of e-commerce and Web-based information systems, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of E-Commerce and service computing. 

In this conference, we are interested in the infrastructure issues and enabling technologies to facilitate dynamic e-business and Web-based information systems. These include the design and analysis of distributed architectures and emerging technologies (e.g. Grid Computing, Web Services, etc.) for developing advanced E-Commerce systems. The technical program of CEC’03 will consist of workshops, tutorials, invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions. Submissions of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are invited. Topics for submission include but are not limited to: 

  • Adaptive E-Commerce system management

  • E-Commerce oriented Grid Computing infrastructure

  • Web Services computing technologies and middleware in E-Commerce 

  • Dynamic business process integration, management, adaptation and composition 

  • Real-time Internet delivery technologies and scheduling protocols 

  • Security issues and data mining techniques 

  • QoS support, workload and benchmark in e-commerce systems 

  • Transaction and work-flow management 

  • Collaborative business process modeling

  • Universal commerce including mobile commerce and home commerce systems 

  • Auction and negotiation technology

  • Visualization of business activity 


Full papers must not exceed 20 pages printed using at least 11-point type and double spacing. All papers should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF) or PostScript format. The paper should have a cover page, which includes a 200-word abstract, a list of keywords, and author's e-mail address. Authors should submit a full paper via electronic submission to All papers selected for this conference are peer-reviewed and will be published in the regular conference proceedings with CD-ROM version published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. The best papers presented in the conference will be chosen for a special issue of  journal publication.


Important Dates:

  • January 31st, 2003 (Original date: 1/20):  Submission of papers (by 12 midnight, EST)

  • April 7, 2003:  Notification of acceptance

  • April 27, 2003:  Camera-Ready copy of accepted papers due

  • June  25, 2003: Conference starts!