Please contact the TCSVC Chair or any other TCSVC Executive Committee Member for questions or suggestions. The contact information is available from the Executive Committee page.
The IEEE Technical Community on Services Computing (TCSVC) is looking for members and volunteers to promote its activities. The URL for joining TCSVC is
The TCSVC membership is FREE for anyone and you do not have to be an IEEE or IEEE Computer Society member to join. However, you must be an IEEE Computer Society member to vote in elections and hold office. Also, you must be an IEEE member to get the discounted membership registration rate at TCSVC financially sponsored conferences.
It can be argued that Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Business Management professionals benefit in general from work in Services Computing technologies, because today virtually every IT or business project is related with software and service activities on the Internet among businesses and/or consumers in one way or another, and especially Web services is the integration glue in the middle of advanced business and scientific applications.
As illustrated in the following figure, it is expected that members can benefit from the professional activities (e.g., TCSVC sponsored conferences), publications (e.g., conference proceedings and journals), communication (e.g., column sections in the IEEE magazines, meetings, mailing lists and discussion groups) and connection (e.g., TCSVC social media channels) provided by TCSVC.

TCSVC newsletter contents are distributed through Facebook, LinkedIn, and TCSVC-ANNOUNCE Listserv. The list below exemplifies the content types.
- Announcements about Services Computing activities and achievements
- Conference announcements
- Call for papers - conferences and journals
- New publication announcements on Services Computing
- Special issues on Services Computing in journals
- Workshops, tutorials and book announcements
- New Web sites and research groups on Services Computing
- Short articles on the latest development of Services Computing (8 pages)
- IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) Technical Community on Services Computing (TCSVC) URL:
Journals and Magazines
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC)
URL: - IEEE IT Professional Magazine (ITPro)
Social Media
- Facebook
URL: - LinkedIn
URL: - WeChat
The IEEE-CS TCSVC WeChat group is named “IEEE TCSVC 服务计算技术”. It is set up to facilitate collaboration and information sharing among the worldwide services computing professionals that can speak English and/or Chinese. It is the first multi-lingual social media channel of IEEE-CS TCSVC. Joining the WeChat group now can be done via invitation only per WeChat’s group management policy. There are also other WeChat groups created for crossover/vertical services research, financial services research, student ambassadors, women in services computing (WISC), and young experts on services computing (YESC). Please contact Prof. Shangguang Wang at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) if you would like to join any of the WeChat groups.
Mailing List
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