TCEC's technical areas (but not limited to) are listed below.
- Agent-mediated e-commerce
- Ad-hoc collaboration technology
- Auction and negotiation technology
- Automated shopping and trading
- Autonomic Computing
- Business process reengineering for e-commerce
- Case studies in electronic commerce
- Consumer protection in electronic commerce
- Costs and benefit aspects
- Commerce-oriented middleware services
- Competitive strategies
- Computational markets for information services
- Content creation & management
- Economic analysis
- E-commerce education
- E-sourcing
- E-market and exchange infrastructures
- Grid Computing
- Information economies
- Innovative business models
- Intellectual property license management
- Languages for describing goods, services, and contracts
- Legal issues
- Marketing and advertising technology
- Online transactions for community and non-profit services
- Payment and exchange protocols
- Performance evaluation and testing of e-commerce systems
- Privacy issues
- Recommendation and referral systems
- Reputation and trust mechanisms and issues
- Security and cryptographic issues, methods and applications
- Shopping tools
- Social, organizational and cross-cultural implications of new technologies
- Software requirements and architectures for e-commerce
- Standards for electronic commerce
- Supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises
- User interface support for e-commerce
- Visualization of e-commerce data and systems
- Web Services