
Author Instructions

Authors, please read the following instructions carefully as these are going to help you in submitting your paper for review to CVPR2009. You should also look at Author Guidelines and FAQs which will help you prepare a manuscript for submission.

1. Paper submission and review site: 

  • (bookmark or save this URL!)
  • Please make sure that your browser has cookies and Javascript enabled.
  • Please add “” to your list of safe senders to prevent important email announcements from being blocked by spam filters.

2A. If you have been invited to review for CVPR2009:

If you have been invited to review for CVPR2009, an account has been automatically generated for you using the contact email as your account name (regardless of whether you agreed to review or not). You need to only request for a new password via “Reset your password”. If you have agreed to review, please follow a separate set of instructions. Otherwise, go to step 3.

2B. If you have not been invited to review for CVPR2009: 

If you have not been invited to review for CVPR2009, you are not in the system. Please sign up as a new user. Since this system is new for CVPR, please read instructions carefully. If you have generated an account and have forgotten your password, just click on “Reset your password”. Instructions will be emailed to you.

3. Logging in the first time:

When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to enter your conflict domain information. You will not be able to submit any paper without entering this information. We need to ensure conflict-free reviewing of all papers. 

4. Update contact information:

At any time, you can edit your contact information (see item near the top right in the submission site). Don’t forget to click the “Update” button to save the edited information. If you wish to change the contact email address, you can modify it via the “Change your Email” box.

5. Enter subject (topic) areas for your paper:

When you submit a paper, you will be asked to specify its associated subject areas. Please note that you indicate only one “primary” subject area and any number of “secondary” subject areas. Please pay extra attention in selecting your subject areas, as this information is critical in allowing us to properly assign papers to area chairs and reviewers. Caution: you cannot pick the “primary” subject area as a “secondary” subject area; if you do this, the system will not allow you to save. For example, if you had picked “Face and Gesture” as the “primary” area, you cannot pick “Face and Gesture” as a “secondary” area.

6. Requirements:

  • The maximum size of the abstract is 4000 characters.
  • The paper must be PDF only (maximum 15MB).
  • The supplementary material can be either PDF or ZIP only (maximum 30MB).
  • If your submission have co-authors, please make sure that you enter their email addresses that correspond exactly to their account names (assuming they have created accounts). This will ensure that your co-authors can see your submission when they log in.

7. Finally:

Please look at Author Guidelines and Author FAQs, which will help you prepare a manuscript for submission to CVPR2009.

If you encounter any problems, please email

Good luck!
Irfan Essa, Marc Pollefeys, Sing Bing Kang 
CVPR 2009 Program Chairs

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31 Responses to “Author Instructions”

  1. Liu wei Says:

    Since it is my first time to attend such conference, what is “conflict domain”?

  2. cvpr Says:

    Conflict domain means a WWW domain, such as, that you have worked for or have very close collaboration with within the last 3 years.

    The exact CMT website instructions are:
    Please enter semicolon separated domains that you have conflicts of interest with (example:;; More specifically, please list domains of all institutions you have worked for or have very close collaboration with within the last 3 years.

  3. Tobi Delbruck Says:

    Can/should the abstract include images? Or text only?

  4. cvpr Says:

    In response to Tobi Delbruck:

    Abstract is text only.

  5. Khaled Says:

    I would ask you, if I can submit without submit abstract.

    thank you

  6. Mosio Says:

    Is it required to upload a file for abstract submission or just copy/paste
    the abstract text in the upload text box is enough? authors names should be discarded
    from this file too?

  7. Avenue Q Says:

    It seems that different people mean different things when they say “abstract”. By abstract do you refer to the abstract that would appear in the paper for review? Or does your use of abstract refer to a very concise (1 or 2 page-long) version of the paper (which is surely longer than the abstract appearing in the paper for review) ?

    Thanks for your help.

  8. cvpr Says:

    In response to Khaled, Mosi, and Avenue Q:

    1) You *must* submit an abstract by the abstract deadline if you plan to submit a paper.

    2) The abstract should be posted in text format only through the CMT website.

    3) Abstract means the same text used in the Abstract section of the paper that is for review. It should be the same as or close to the actual text in your Abstract section of the paper you will submit.

  9. Anupama Krishnan Says:

    I had a question regarding figures in the paper. Are we allowed to subdivide a figure into smaller divisions. For e.g. if in figure 1, I want to show stills of two stages of a process, would it be alright if I label the figures as figure 1a and figure 1b with separate captions?

  10. Lei Says:

    Can I update my abstract and the topic choices, after the abstract deadline but before the full paper deadline? Thanks!

  11. cvpr Says:

    In response to Anupama Krishnan: You may present figures however you feel is most effective.

    In response to Lei: You must submit your abstract by the abstract deadline or you will not be able to submit a paper later.

  12. sylor Says:

    Do I have to upload any file (pdf) when submit my abstract ?

  13. Dan Says:

    I have two questions:

    1) Why didn’t I receive any notification for “first registration”?

    2) How can I check if the abstract submission has been successful?

    Thank you

  14. Akshay Says:

    I want to submit a video containing my results. Can you please tell me about the preferred format for the video submission for CVPR (for example, SIGGRAPH encourages MP4 format)? Currently my video is DivX format with AVI container. Is this fine?

  15. cvpr Says:

    In response to sylor: No, a PDF is not needed to submit your abstract.

    In response to Dan:
    1) and 2) There is no notification after you add a new submission. To verify (under “Author” console), click on “Edit” to the right of the paper ID or “Paper Details” to see if what you have entered are there. If you wish, you can log out and log in again to double check.

    In response to Akshay: DivX with AVI container is fine. We suggest including a text README file stating that the AVI file uses DivX codec, so that the reviewers know what is needed should their media player cannot play it.

  16. Jason Says:

    I want to submit two paper but I’ve only created one account. Is that ok?

  17. cvpr Says:

    In response to Jason: Yes, but it’s too late to submit additional papers as the abstract deadline is passed.

  18. Anupama Krishnan Says:

    My figure captions are 9-pt Times New Roman. Are we allowed to bold the figure number and Italicize the caption?

  19. Anupama Krishnan Says:

    And also is it necessary that all figures have line borders?

  20. cvpr Says:

    In response to Anupama: Please follow the example paper guidelines as much as possible but yes, you are allowed to bold your figure number, italicize your caption and do what you like with figure border lines.

  21. raj Says:

    could not upload the full paper due to time out
    what should be done

  22. Somesh Says:

    Does Paper file name have an effect on review ? I noticed later that the pdf of the original paper that I uploaded may have a filename which could be linked to authors ? Do reviewers get the same PDF or is the PDF renamed before sending it to reviewers ?

  23. Art Says:


    I think there are some misleading statements about the compilance of the camera ready paper version with IEEE standards. The problem is that whenever I do compile the latex document and run it through the IEEE-PDF eXpress filter, it claims that “Document contains Link annotations”, so there is an error.

    The problem is in the use of hyperref package, it does create some internal links, so that that all references are clickable. Even worse, the example document provided with the authors guideline use it. Hence the example document is not IEEE PDF eXplore compilant, which is weird. I like this package cause it do the navigation through the pdf more user friendly. It also do colorize all the references, hence better visual experience.

    So what to do now? Remove the package to be PDF eXplore compilant. Or to do the same what the example CVPR pdf file do, use the hyperref latex package?

    Could somebody of the officials give me some advice.

    Thank you.

  24. cvpr Says:

    In response to Art:

    Make sure your paper is IEEE PDF eXplore compliant by commenting out the hyperref package.

    The author kit (|cvprkit.tgz), including egpaper_final.tex, has been updated to comment out the use of the hyperref package.

  25. Joly Says:


    I have some problems in making my camera-ready paper.

    I can’t find the IEEE PDF eXplore validation checking web site for CVPR 2009. Could you tell me the link, please ?

    And how can I submit the IEEE copyright form that I signed ? Via e-mail or off-line ?

    I am waiting for your some advice.

    Thank you !

  26. Peng Says:


    Can anyone tell me what the conference id for cvpr2009? I have tried “cvpr2009″ for registering IEEE PDF eXplore but failed.

    Thanks a lot.

  27. cvpr Says:

    In response to Joly:
    All authors with accepted papers were emailed instructions for preparing camera-ready versions. The IEEE PDF Express format check portion of this email is:

    * Make sure your PDF file is IEEE compliant. If your file is noncompliant, it WILL NOT be shipped to IEEE for inclusion in Xplore, which means your paper will not be considered as published.
    * The easiest way to check for PDF compliance is to use the PDF eXpress web site (URL: Click on the link “New Users - Click Here” and fill in your information.
    You will need the Conference ID which is: cvpr09x
    * Follow the links at for information on the specific elements of PDF compliance. The most frequent cause of noncompliant files is the use of a custom font that is not embedded in the PDF file. You must ensure that all fonts in the document (including those in figure captions, tables, and figure bodies/legends) are embedded.

  28. cvpr Says:

    In response to Peng:

    The Conference ID is cvpr09x

  29. HM Says:


    would you please guide me that:

    1- what should be the size of the posters?
    2- is there any school dorms avalilabe for the students? (as I know, last year, there was)
    3- is there any travel funding support for the students?


  30. Deepak Says:


    I have a few questions about the CVPR Poster:

    – Size (Dimensions) and other specification of the poster
    – Do the posters have a separate ID or it is the same as the Paper ID ? I would want to put this on the Doctoral Spotlight PPT and on the Poster.
    – Will we be provided the necessary equipment to mount the poster ?
    – Do we have to submit the poster for printing or Do we have to print it ourselves ?
    – Any other information for preparing the poster that i did not mention ?



  31. cvpr Says:

    In response to Deepak:

    Those presenting posters in the main sessions of the conference will hang their posters on tackboards. The usable space on these tack boards is approximately 43.5 inches high x 91.25 inches wide.

    The paper ID you have been assigned is the only ID.

    Pins will be provided.

    You must print the poster yourself.

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