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IEEE TCDE Award Recipients

IEEE TCDE Awards 2024

Sihem Amer-Yahia IEEE TCDE Impact Award
Sihem Amer-Yahia, CNRS, Grenoble
For contributions to laying the interdisciplinary data engineering foundations of social computing and crowdsourcing.
Natacha Crooks IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Natacha Crooks, UC Berkeley
For contributions to distributed data management, and its applications to blockchain technology, security, and cloud computing.
Tamer Özsu IEEE TCDE Education Award
Tamer Özsu, Univ of Waterloo
For fundamental contributions to data management and data science pedagogy.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2023

Angela Bonifati IEEE TCDE Impact Award
Angela Bonifati, Lyon 1 University
For contributions to the active and interdisciplinary areas of graph databases, knowledge graphs and data integration and their impact on data-intensive systems.
John Paparrizos IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
John Paparrizos, Ohio State University
For breakthroughs in time series data management, as well as contributions to adaptive methodologies for data intensive and machine learning applications.
Kyu-Young Whang IEEE TCDE Service Award
Kyu-Young Whang, KAIST, Korea
For contributions to the advancement of the IEEE ICDE and TCDE and decades-long dedicated leadership and service to the data engineering community in various capacities.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2022

Tova Milo IEEE TCDE Impact Award
Tova Milo, Tel Aviv University
For establishing the foundations of business processes and data-centric crowd sourcing.
Leilani Battle IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Leilani Battle, University of Washington
For contributions to interactive data-intensive systems for exploratory data analysis.
Joy Arulraj IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Joy Arulraj, Georgia Institute of Technology
For contributions to the design of query processing engines for non-volatile memory and video databases.
Zachary Ives IEEE TCDE Education Award
Zachary Ives, University of Pennsylvania
For fundamental contributions to Data Science education.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2021

Divesh Srivastava IEEE TCDE Impact Award
Divesh Srivastava, AT&T
For contributions to deductive databases, streaming algorithms, and data integration.
Arun Kumar IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Arun Kumar, University of California, San Diego
For designing and deploying data analytics systems powered by innovative machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2020

Alvin Cheung IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Alvin Cheung, UC Berkeley
For contributions at the intersection of data management and programming languages.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2019

Dave Lomet IEEE TCDE Service Award
David Lomet, Microsoft
For leadership as the Editor-in-Chief of the Data Engineering Bulletin for over 25 years.
Christian Jensen IEEE TCDE Impact Award
Christian Jensen, Aalborg University
For contributions to spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data management.
Viktor Leis IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Viktor Leis, Technical University Munich
For contributions to main-memory indexing and database architectures for NVM.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2018

Marek Rusinkiewicz IEEE TCDE Service Award
Marek Rusinkiewicz, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
For leadership in making ICDE and the RIDE Workshops high-impact international venues.
Timos Sellis IEEE TCDE Impact Award
Timos Sellis, Swinburne University of Technology
For contributions to database systems research and broadening the reach of data engineering research.
Jiannann Wang IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Jiannan Wang, Simon Fraser University
For contributions to human-in-the-loop data analytics.
Spyros Blanas IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award
Spyros Blanas, The Ohio State University
For contributions to high-performance database management systems.
Jennifer Widom IEEE TCDE Education Award
Jennifer Widom, Stanford University
For developing novel online instructional materials for data engineering and for educating non-traditional students all over the world.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2017

Aditya Parameswaran IEEE TCDE Early Career Award
Aditya Parameswaran, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
For developing new interactive tools and techniques that expand the reach of data analytics.
Susan B. Davidson IEEE TCDE CSEE (Computer Science, Engineering, and Education) Impact Award
Susan B. Davidson, University of Pennsylvania
For expanding the reach of data engineering within scientific disciplines.
Gio Wiederhold IEEE TCDE Service Award
Shan Wang, Renmin University of China
For contributions to promoting data engineering research, education, and practice in China.

IEEE TCDE Awards 2016

Arnab Nandi IEEE TCDE Early Career Award
Arnab Nandi, Ohio State University
For contributions towards user-focused data interaction: building data analysis, exploration, and querying systems that allow highly interactive experiences for end-users
Michael Carey IEEE TCDE CSEE (Computer Science, Engineering, and Education) Impact Award
Michael Carey, University of California at Irvine
For leadership and research excellence in building impactful data management systems, engineering tools, products, and practices
Gio Wiederhold IEEE TCDE Service Award
Gio Wiederhold, Stanford University
For being a driving force behind the creation of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering

IEEE TCDE Awards 2015

Stratos Idreos IEEE TCDE Early Career Award
Stratos Idreos, Harvard University
Citation: for breakthroughs in adaptive data management systems that allow users rich data exploration capabilities without a priori knowledge of the data or queries
Honorable Mention
Tim Kraska, Brown University
Citation: for contributions on techniques for crowdsourcing for data management, cloud data management, and data intensive machine learning

Zhenjie Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Citation: For frontier research on enabling efficient, effective and privacy-preserving data analytics
Shamkanth B. Navathe IEEE TCDE CSEE (Computer Science, Engineering, and Education) Impact Award
Shamkanth B. Navathe, Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For contributions to database modeling and authorship of a textbook with widespread impact on the global education of databases

IEEE TCDE Awards 2014

Guoliang Li IEEE TCDE Early Career Award
Guoliang Li, Tsinghua University, China
Citation: For work in database usability and data quality.
Guoliang Li IEEE TCDE CSEE (Computer Science, Engineering, and Education) Impact Award
Beng-Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore
Citation: For sustained contributions to Computer Science in the engineering of parallel and distributed database systems