The First IEEE International Workshop
on Electronic Contracting (WEC)
Accepted papers
Real world commerce is largely built on a fabric of contracts. Considered
abstractly, a contract is an agreed framework of rules used by separately
interested parties to coordinate their plans in order to realize cooperative
opportunities, while simultaneously limiting their risk from each other's
misbehavior. Electronic commerce is encouraging the growth of contract-like
mechanisms whose terms are partially machine understandable and enforceable.
The First IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Contracting (WEC)
is the forum to discuss innovative ideas at the interface between business,
legal, and formal notions of contracts. The target audiences will be researchers,
scientists, software architects, contract lawyers, economists, and industry
professionals who need to be acquainted with the state of the art technologies
and the future trends in electronic contracting. The event will take place
in San Diego, California, USA on July 6 2004. IEEE WEC 2004 will be held
in conjunction with The International Conference on Electronic Commerce
(IEEE CEC 2004).
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Contract languages and user interfaces
- Computer aided contract design, construction, and composition
- Computer aided approaches to contract negotiation
- Smart Contracts
- Ricardian Contracts
- Electronic rights languages
- Electronic rights management and transfer
- Contracts and derived rights
- Relationship of electronic and legal enforcement mechanisms
- Electronic vs legal concepts of non-repudiation
- The interface between automatable terms and human judgement
- Kinds of recourse, including deterrence and rollback
- Monitoring compliance
- What is and is not electronically enforceable?
- Trans-jurisdictional commerce & contracting
- Shared dynamic ontologies for use in contracts
- Dynamic authorization
- Decentralized access control
- Security and dynamism in Supply Chain Management
- Extending "Types as Contracts" to mutual suspicion
- Contracts as trusted intermediaries
- Anonymous and pseudonymous contracting
- Privacy vs reputation and recourse
- Instant settlement and counter-party risk
Submissions and Important Dates:
Full papers must not exceed 20 pages printed using at least 11-point
type and single spacing. All papers should
be in Adobe portable document format (PDF) format. The paper should have
a cover page, which includes a 200-word abstract, a list of keywords,
and author's e-mail address on a separate page. Authors should submit
a full paper via electronic submission to Dr. Boualem Benatallah
All papers selected for this conference are
peer-reviewed. The best papers presented in the conference will be selected
for special issues of a related computer science journal.
- Submissions must be received no later than January 30, 2004.
- Authors will be notified of their submission’s status by
15, 2004
- Camera-Ready versions must be received by April 2, 2004
Organizing committee and workshop officers
General Chair
Ming-Chien Shan, HP Labs, USA
Program Co-Chairs
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
Claude Godart, INRIA-LORIA, Nancy, France
Publicity Co-Chairs
Quan Z. Sheng, Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) and UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, U.A.E.
Program Committee
Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Karim Baina, ENSIAS, Morocco
Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech., USA
Sara Comai, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Asit Dan, IBM, USA
Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Marlon Dumas, Queesland University of Technology, Australia
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
Marie-Christine Fauvet, Grenoble University, France
Ian Grigg, systemics, USA
Patrick C. K. Hung, CSIRO, Australia
Abdessamad Imine, INRIA-LORIA, France
Alan Karp, HP Labs, USA
Rania Khalaf, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Elms Kim, SAP, Australia
Wolfgang Klas, University of Vienna, Austria
Brahim Medjahed, Virginia Tech, USA
L. G. Meredith, Microsoft, USA
Mark Miller, HP Labs, USA
Nirmal Mukhi, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Enrico Nardelli, Universita' di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Italy
Ann H.H. Ngu, Southwest Texas State University, USA
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Olivier Perrin, INRIA-LORIA, France
Jian Yang, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Hua Wang, USQ, Australia
Farouk Toumani, LIMOS-ISIMA, France
Liangzhao Zeng, IBM, USA
Yanchun Zhang, Victoria University, Australia
Nicholas J. Szabo, The George Washington University Law School
The accepted papers to IEEE WEC04 are:
1. On the Monitoring of Contractual Service Level Agreements
Carlos Molina-Jimenez, Santosh Shrivastava (Uni. of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Jon Crowcroft and Panos Gevros (Uni. of Cambridge, UK)
2. An Integrated System for Supporting Problem Solution in e-Contracts
Mizuho Iwaihara, Haiying Jiang, and Yahiko Kambayashi (Kyoto Uni.,Japan)
3. Performance Monitoring of Service-Level Agreements for Utility Computing
using the Event Calculus
Andrew D H Farrell, Marek J Sergot (Imperial College, UK) David Trastour,
Athena Christodoulou (HP Labs, UK) Mathias Salle (HP Labs, USA)
4. The Ricardian Contract: A Universal Value Description System
Ian Grigg (Systemics, USA)
5. Rules of Engagement for Automated Negotiation
Alan H. Karp (HP Labs, USA)
6. FACTS: An Approach to Unearth Legacy Contracts
Malu Castellanos (HP Labs, USA)
7. A Digital Licensing Model for the Exchange of Learning
Objects in a Federated Environment
James Simon (Sun Microsystems, USA) Jean-Noel Colin (Oxys)
8. A Decision Model for Bilateral Contract Negotiations with Uncertain
Dynamic Outside Options
Cuihong Li, Joseph Giampapa and Katia Sycara (Carnegie Mellon Uni., USA)
9. On design and implementation of a contract monitoring facility
Z. Milosevic, S. Gibson (Uni. of Queensland, Australia) P. F. Linington
(Uni. of Kent, UK) J. Cole, S. Kulkarni (Uni. of Queensland, Australia)
10. An approach to implement contracts as trusted intermediaries
Olivier Perrin, Claude Godart (LORIA-INRIA, France)